Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Evening Examen

What are you grateful for?

  1. My Pilates classes at OSU
  2. Riding my bike in the sunshine to and from class
  3. Resting in your presence as the sunshine came through the window
Where was God? Where did you accept his invitation to be loving grateful, and yourself?

Morning - Calm as I had time with God. I got ready for my class by doing my attendance. I got ready and rode my bike on a glorious day.

Taught two classes. We exercised to Celtic Music, and I enjoyed it so much. I love moving my body to music and teaching the class. We did the half-leg series. 

Enjoyed my coworkers

Lunch - Rode my bike - really sunny by then. I rode it to the library and picked up the book bags, and the rainbow was streaming into the front entry. It was so beautiful.  I came back home and had another time with God in the "Three Kinds of People" which is Week 18 of the Exercises. I showered. 

Afternoon - I had another time with God as the sun streamed in, and then I went and watched The Five. I also watched things I had recorded. Emailed with important people. Set up an SD appointment for next Wednesday. Connected B with the conversant program. Marco Polo with some friends. Read through April's Spiritual Exercises things. 

Evening - Nothing special. I am already needing to sleep. I just wanted to get an Examen in before bedtime. 

Regrets - None that I can think of. I definitely had to continue to work through the trauma of late December. So, I did it during my shower. I think that is OK. I am not dwelling, but I am also trying not to REPRESS my feelings which is something that I could easily do. 

Most Meaningful - Teaching class. I love it. It is great to be back at it. 

Love for tomorrow? I don't have a big agenda for tomorrow. I am hoping to just rest after my big week last week. I think I need to go to bed now. Wow! I really didn't realize how tired I was until I started doing this Examen. 

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