Invitation to the Classics (100%)

BHAG COMPLETED: June 4, 2013 555 Weeks after I started. WOOHOO!

PINK: Overlap with both Well-Educated Mind and 100 Great Books (19)
RED: Overlap with just Well-Educated Mind (20)
BLUE: Overlap with just 100 Great Books (5)

Ancient 14/14 (DONE!)

  1. 750 The Iliad – Homer (Fall 2007)
  2. 750 The Odyssey – Homer (Feb 2008)
  3. 458 The Oresteia: Agamemnon – Aeschylus (Feb 2008)
  4. 458 The Oresteia: Libation Bearers - Aeschylus (Feb 2008)
  5. 458 The Oresteia: The Kindly Ones - Aeschylus (Feb 2008)
  6. 430 History of the Persian Wars - Herodotus (Mar 2008)
  7. 429 Oedipus Rex – Sophocles (May 2003)
  8. 406 The Bacchae – Euripides (Nov 2002)
  9. 425 Peace - Aristophanes (Sep 2012)
  10. 425 Birds - Aristophanes (Feb 2008)
  11. 425 Frogs – Aristophanes (Sep 2012)
  12. 375 The Republic – Plato (Sum 2008)
  13. 384 Nichomachean Ethics – Aristotle (Oct 2012)
  14.   19 The Aeneid – Virgil  (Jun 2012)
Medieval 18/18 (DONE!)

  1.  401 The Confessions – Augustine (May 2003)
  2.  700 Beowulf (Mar 2002)
  3. 1265 Summa theologica – Aquinas (Shorter Summa - Nov 2012)
  4. 1307 The Divine Comedy: Inferno - Dante (Aug 2002)
  5. 1307 The Divine Comedy: Purgatorio - Dante (Oct 2003)
  6. 1307 The Divine Comedy: Paradiso – Dante (Aug 2003)
  7. 1370 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (May 2008)
  8. 1386 The Canterbury Tales – Chaucer (Jun 2008)
  9. 1400's The Second Shepherd’s Play (Apr 2013)
  10. 1400's Everyman (Jun 2008)
  11. 1516 Utopia – More (Nov 2008)
  12. 1520 The Babylonian Captivity of the Church – Luther (Jun 2012)
  13. 1529 The Small Catechism – Luther (Jun 2012)
  14. 1532 The Prince – Machiavelli (Jun 2008)
  15. 1536 Institutes of the Christian Religion: Vol 1 - Calvin (Jan 2013)
  16. 1536 Institutes of the Christian Religion: Vol 2 - Calvin (Feb 2013)
  17. 1536 Institutes of the Christian Religion: Vol 3 - Calvin (Mar 2013)
  18. 1536 Institutes of the Christian Religion: Vol 4 – Calvin  (Mar 2013)
Early Modern 23/23 (DONE!)
  1. 1605 Don Quixote (Oct 2003)
  2. 1594 Midsummer Night’s Dream - Shakespeare (Jun 2008)
  3. 1601 Hamlet - Shakespeare (Jun 2008)
  4. 1606 King Lear - Shakespeare (Feb 2012)
  5. 1611 The Tempest – Shakespeare (Feb 2012)
  6. 1572-1631 Poems – Donne (Dec 2009)
  7. 1633 The Temple – Herbert (May 2013)
  8. 1667 Paradise Lost – Milton (Oct 2008)
  9. 1670 Pensees – Pascal  (Jan 2013)
  10. 1678 The Pilgrim’s Progress – Bunyan (Oct 2001)
  11. 1726 Gulliver’s Travels – Swift (Mar 2004)
  12. 1746 A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections – Edwards (May 2013) 
  13. 1759 Selected Essays - Johnson (June 2013)
  14. Doctor Johnson's Prayers - Johnson (May 2013)
  15. Rasselas – Johnson (May 2013)
  16. 1791 The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. – Boswell (abridged) (May 2013)
  17. 1781 Confessions – Rousseau (May 2009)
  18. 1787 The Federalist – Hamilton, Madison, Jay (Apr 2013)
  19. 1813 Pride and Prejudice – Austen (May 1999, Apr 2002, Mar 2004)
  20. 1808 Faust I & II – Goethe (Jun and Sep 2012)
  21. 1798 Lyrical Ballads – Wordsworth and Cooleridge (May 2010)
  22. 1819 The Great Odes – Keats (May-Jun 2010)
  23. 1835 Democracy in America – Tocqueville (Feb-Mar 2011)

Modern 30/30 (DONE!)
  1. 1841 Essays – Emerson (Nov 2008)
  2. 1845 Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (Jan 2009)
  3. 1850 The Scarlet Letter – Hawthorne (Jul 2004)
  4. 1850 The Complete Poems – Dickinson (May 2009)
  5. 1851 Moby Dick – Melville (Sep 2004)
  6. 1856 Madame Bovary – Flaubert (Jul 2004) 
  7. 1861 Great Expectations – Dickens (Aug 2005) 
  8. 1864 Apologia pro vita sua – John Henry Newman (Apr 2013)
  9. 1843 Fear and Trembling – Kierkegaard  (May 2013)
  10. 1874 Middlemarch – Eliot (Nov 2012)
  11. 1874 Poems – Hopkins (Jun 2010)
  12. 1875 Anna Karenina – Tolstoy (Jul 2004)
  13. 1880 The Brothers Karamazov – Dostoyevsky (Oct 2002)
  14. 1881 The Portrait of a Lady – James (Dec 2004)
  15. 1885 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – Twain (Dec 2004)
  16. 1888 Twilight of the Idols – Nietzsche (May 2013)
  17. 1899 Heart of Darkness – Conrad (Jan 2005) 
  18. 1914 Dubliners – Joyce (Oct 2012) 
  19. 1925 The Trial – Kafka (Mar 2005) 
  20. 1933 Poems – Yeats (Jun 2010)
  21. 1935 Four Quartets – T.S. Eliot (Apr 2013)
  22. 1913 Poems – Frost (Aug 2009)
  23. 1941 The Screwtape Letters – Lewis (Sep 2012)
  24. 1942 Go Down, Moses – Faulkner (May 2013)
  25. 1950 Waiting for God – Weil (May 2013)
  26. 1951 Letters and Papers from Prison – Bonhoeffer (Oct 2001)
  27. 1953 “A Good Man is Hard to Find” - O'Connor (Jan 2009)
  28. 1956 “Greenleaf” - O'Connor 
  29. 1964 “Revelation” – O’Connor 
  30. 1962 One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich – Solzhenitsyn (Oct 2003)

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