Friday, May 07, 2021

SIX ORDER OF THE MUSTARD SEED BOOKS: The Vision and The Vow, Even the Sparrow, OMS Guide, The Lord of the Ring, Punk Monk ,and Sacred Rhythms

 These are all the books I get to read for my Year of Preparation for the Order of the Mustard Seed (OMS). They are not in the order I read them though!

The Vision And The Vow: Re-Discovering Life and Grace by Pete Greig
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What an absolutely inspiring and refreshing read! The Order of the Mustard Seed SO aligns with my values and priorities. This book made me even happier that I am taking my vows in October! Here is a YouTube Version of the Vision (for you Americans, the cockerel is a rooster).

View all my reviews


I love first-person memoirs, and this one is lovely. Jill is the Global Convener of the Order of the Mustard Seed. She has a valuable story to tell! Five Stars.


I love this guide through my Year of Preparation. It has prayer tools and many cool meditations that align with the three aspects of the vow. Lots of typos though, but it isn't a "published" book. 


One of the original members of the modern-day Order of the Mustard Seed flew his plane over to Hernhut, Germany, where the Order of the Mustard Seed began in the 1700s. This is a story about his journey and the journey of the incredible Count von Zinzendorf, an original member of the Order. Find it at The Lord of the Ring - Muddy Pearl


More great inculcating of the OMS DNA! Here is the blurb on it:

Fleeing the compromises of the 4th-century church, the Desert Fathers founded monasticism. In reaction to a Christianity they scarcely recognized, these radicals fled to the Egyptian desert to model a different radical style of discipleship, filled with sacrifice and continual prayer. Who are the new monks, the new punks, the new revolutionaries? The answer lies in an upsurge of the 24-7 monastic communities around the world. Punk Monk combines a narrative journey through the beginnings of the 24-7 Prayer Boiler Rooms with a discussion on the roots of monasticism, particularly its ethos and values, and how it can be applied in the third millennium. Drawing influences from the Franciscans, the Celts, and the Moravian, the book highlights the counter-cultural and revolutionary force of monasticism and asks whether it is time for a new monastic movement. It also takes punk as a contemporary expression of monastic spirit and asks whether a "silent revolution" is coming. 

I also highly recommend this podcast about Apostomonasticism:


This book is much in the tradition of Celebration of Discipline, The Sacred Way, The Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, etc. I loved her personal style of writing and her female perspective. This book is really basic but a good start for contemplative rhythms and to have all of us in the Order of the Mustard Seed being on the same page. 

ThIis is an introduction to practices that make for a deeper life with God. She has a nice application at the end of each thing she talks about. 

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