Saturday, August 01, 2009

Body Wellness: Day 1

I have not posted about this for a LONG time. There has been more on the Well-Watered Soul lately and much on the Well-Educated Mind over the last year. Interesting that both of these can be very sedentary occupations! So, I try to combine my wellness of body with these two passions by taking long prayer walks with my Face to Face: Praying the Scriptures for Intimate Worship book in hand or listening to the Bible on my Kindle as I walk. I also read/listen to my classics while I work out on the elliptical and lift weights. It is the greatest combination of pleasure and pain!!!! (Really, working out is no longer a pain for me. It is SO important for me in staving off those menopausal hot flashes!)

Alas, I am doing really well in the "wellness of body" area, but I would like to proclaim the 31 days of August as the "pull in my eating" month. All this birthday celebrating has involved eating a ton: the Mexican cruise, parties, meals out, my birthday tea. All fun, but it is time to reign it in.

I am going to log what I eat here. I don't know if I will count calories, but I will log. I won't break it into breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc. Too much work for a busy gal like me (or is it myself?). I will write it in a "stream of consciousness" style like Joyce and Faulkner. LOL.

PLEASE NOTE: If you read this and think I am not eating enough, you are probably wrong. People eat too much. That is why most of America is overweight. Whenever I post what I am eating, someone eventually says, "Are you sure you are eating enough, Carol?" UGH!

For their benefit, I go through the trouble of counting it all out (I have been a nutritionist for 28 years (B.S. Foods and Nutrition 1981), for heaven's sake, I can tell you the approximate calories of almost anything I am eating in my sleep!), and it is ALWAYS enough (unless I am fasting for spiritual reasons, which is on a regular basis).

Trust me, I will NEVER starve myself. I love food too much to do that. I eat everything (Sorry, but there are some people who eat the weirdest things in the name of "health"!). I just want to maintain my weight even though I am 50. So, I watch my calories. I don't diet. So, don't read this and worry, OK? I will not starve on this 31 day journey.

So, here goes:

August 1: 16 oz. skim milk with light whipped cream, 2 tsp. peanut butter, 1 slice honey wheat, 1 string cheese, 1 cup pork fried rice with brocolli, onions, and carrots. 3 cups water, 1/2 cup each of non-fat, plain yogurt; blueberries, and Fiber One Cereal, 2 servings of Steel cut oats, 1/2 cup raisins, 1 TB Smart Balance, 1 TB honey, 1 string cheese, 100 calorie dark chocolate bar. (just for the record that is about 1500 calories off the top of my head)

Exercise was NILL. I had a rest and read day!

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