Thursday, August 06, 2009

On Julie and Julia: CLASS TO CRASS!

I am going to see Julie and Julia with Teala, Lisa, and Lisa's MIL. In preparation I wanted to read the two books that this movie is based on.

My Life in France by Julia Child

What a positively delightful book! Written with her grandnephew right before she passed away in 2004, this memoir recalls the move to France with her husband, Paul, that ignited her passion for cooking and gave her a life's calling! I found so many things I had in common with Julia:

1) We are/were both 6 feet 2 inches tall
2) We both married later on in life (Julia at 34. Carol at 31)
3) We both married incredibly supportive husbands who don't mind being in the background
4) We both married husbands who are/were artistic, especially in the area of photography
5) We both loved learning a new language, culture, people
6) We both love adventure
7) We both tend to be optimists and see the best in everything and everyone
8) We are/were both focused and determined and love to see a project to its end
9) We are both Southern Californians!

On the other hand Julie and Julia by Julie Powell

Oh my, enough cussing to make a sailor blush. It was a waste of my time and money. I got to p. 95 and had to put it down. Not my cup of tea. YUCK! I wrote it down as one of my books for the year because those pages were a CHORE. I would never want anyone to read this book and think I condone it though. I am embarassed to think others would think I liked it. Cynicism and crassness at its finest. Julie is the antithesis of Julia and me. It left a bad taste in my mouth, as it did in Julia Child's. Read here to find out what she thought of Julie's blog.

In all fairness, here is an interview with Julie Power that gave me a more favorable impression. We are all people in process, and I hope Julie is transformed by this whole adventure and starts cleaning up her potty-mouth:

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