Monday, December 16, 2019

Monday Freewrite

I forgot to freewrite yesterday! My first time in (I think) three weeks. 

Here I go. The weekend was mellow. We decided not to go to the coast to stay at our friends' house. We really wanted to go, but we had already RSVPd to the only party we were going to go to this Christmas. So, I thought it would be rude not to go, and it ended up being a lovely party. It was also nice to have the whole day.

I spent time listening to Messiah and reading the Renovare Book Club Book for these two months. It is a simple book on prayer. It is nothing new, but I loved her little vignettes. I cannot remember the name, and I don't want to stop this freewrite.

I have so enjoyed the Pray as You Go advent readings. So great. 

On Sunday, I listened to the WHOLE Messiah again without stopping. The guys had gone shopping, and I decided that it would be great to just sit and soak. I LOVE it. It never gets tiring to listen to this. 

So, now I have the WHOLE Messiah Meditations edited. I have not done a run through since 2015. I am still praying about publishing it. I don't know the first thing about doing that though. I just have to wait on God though. 

I did have one frustrating thing. I went to change the font of my "Tools for Meditation and Study" handout, and it got all messed up. So I had to spend quite a bit of time reformatting it, but now I have a new handout. I edited it and added some things. I like it better. So, it ended up being great in the end. 

Also, Sunday's Advent Wreath time with the family was lovely. They all still get into it so much; even as adults! 

Oh, one thing about the party was that a friend was there who totally agreed with me about the relationship between the people in the book we read for our book club. I think I wrote here that I felt like what I said went over like a lead balloon. Well, she totally thought the same thing that I did. It was validating. 

The Exercises have been so lovely this time around. Since I am leading two people through the 19th annotation, I thought it important that I experience what they are experiencing. It never gets old for me though. Right now, I am meditating on the Annunciation and Incarnation. Today was Mary. I never get tired of reading her response to God, "Behold the bondslave of the LORD, be it done to me according to Your word." Amen! I want to have Mary's heart. We conversed about some lovely things. I am fasting and praying again today for some things I have been praying about forever. I have had such hope though. 

Today, I will meet with two directees. One has never done spiritual direction before. So I am giving her a taste of what it is like. I have discipled her in the past. I think it was from 2006-2009. Then she was also in a lighter version of our international training (2016-2017). It will be so nice to catch up with her since we do not go to the same church anymore. The other woman is one who has come several times. In fact, I met with her last week, but she has a lot of time off during the break. I like meeting with women. I usually just meet with one person a day. So we will see how I do meeting with two. 

I also want to get back to reading Slaves in the Family and Voices of Chernobyl. I also have a new one I am staring called Reading Your Story. 

I already spent time this morning getting the house all straightened up. I neglected things while I was preoccupied with editing. 

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Tuesday Freewrite Fifteen

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