Sunday, January 10, 2016

Days 8-10 of #100HealthyDays

HEART - So good!

SOUL - So good! Love my time in the Gospel Harmony Book Club every morning. Also loving my new thing of writing my "word/phrase for the day on my shower wall! I wanted to go to #LightCorvallis so badly! But God said to "rest and repair," and I obeyed. I had a week of many new adjustments: kids going back to school, me going back to work at OSU with two new classes, NOT studying for my personal training exam and going hard on my "hearth and home" project of finishing up my photos (which I finished all but the Christmas photos for 2015 because I am waiting on a new Creative Memories album to arrive), etc. Consequently, I needed to rest from all the adjustments! Good choice made!

MIND - Finished Mary Poppins and Winnie-the-Pooh. LOVE! Started reading The Thistle and the Drone about our "anti-war" president and his "love of predator drones" who have killed so many innocent people! This book is written by a Pakistani so he has no political agenda. He is just stating the facts that most Americans do not know.

STRENGTH - I received Christmas gift money from three different people. So I bought a #JawboneUP3! I love it (as you can see from my instagram photos above)! I miss my BodyBugg for calorie burn 94% accuracy, but I am very good at translating calorie burn from how active I have been during the day and from my steps. While UP uses an algorithm for calculating calories, I still think it is closer to accurate than the FitBit which GROSSLY exaggerates the calorie burn and is making people fatter because they think they can eat more based on their calorie burn. Still hoping Jawbone incorporates sensors like the BodyBugg since they have the patented BodyBugg technology! :) 

I lifted weights on Friday and walked. My activity has been low the last three days because of feeling sick, but I will ramp it up tomorrow since I go back to teaching three Pilates classes. Here we go. I will rest today to get ready for it! 

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2024 Reading Wrap Up

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