Monday, January 04, 2016

Day 2 & 3 of #100HealthyDays

A photo posted by Carol Weaver (@carolfoasia) on

A photo posted by Carol Weaver (@carolfoasia) on
I wish I could say I went and lifted weights, but I felt sick on Saturday and Sunday was a SNOW DAY! So, I stayed inside and rested for two days which is not such a bad thing! So, YAY for me. 

I was encouraged that at least I got a report for December even though I pretty much did NOTHING on Sunday (not even stretching which I usually do every single day)! 

Here is the update for . . . 

Heart (emotional health) - I had sort of a heart-wrenching thing happen after my time with God on Sunday morning that rocked me. I was preemptive though. I prayed with George. I asked Nancy to pray. I took a shower and had my listen to God and obey time as I wrote what he told me on my shower wall with my shower crayon.  Then I moved ON! This morning it is a "No worries" and "So what" whereas yesterday is was the end of the world. I have not been down in the dumps like that since June 9 (the day after our missional community ended). So there you go! I am growing in emotional health and wellness. Duh. That is what this blog is about.

Soul (spiritual health) - Wonderful time with God before I had the heart-wrenching thing above happen. I am loving the Gospels and loving doing it with Nancy, my faithful-friend and soul sister. My friend Patty is also doing it, but I have not heard how she is liking of not liking it. She is in a different place than Nancy though. I love praying for the world too. Love my E. Stanley Jones devotional too. All in all, it was an excellent day in this department (especially after my Listen and Obey ["LO"] shower time).

Mind (attitude and learning) - George and I finished up Man in the High Castle. What is it about me and my love for dystopian novels made into movies?Worth watching and discussing. Also learned about the background with this standoff in Burns, Oregon. So fascinating how the government can be vindictive. I think the BLM needs to be investigated. 

Strength (physical) - Well, I rested all day. I did not do a lick of anything. I feel great. I kept telling myself that Monday is an active day with three Pilates classes and getting to and from the university. So, I am relaxing in that. I will not stress. Physical activity is not my thing as much as my desire to snack in the afternoon. I held it off until after dinner. Then those leftover Christmas treats started calling my name! :) (Geo made an APPLE PIE too!)

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