"What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well" (The Little Prince by de Saint-Exupéry). One woman's journey to wellness through a well-adjusted heart, well-watered soul, well-educated mind, and well-tuned body. "Love the Lord your God with all your HEART, and with all your SOUL, and with all your MIND, and with all your STRENGTH" (Mark 12:30-31).
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Bits and Pieces

I slept last night from about 10:00 - 12:45. Then, I was up until about 5 a.m. and slept until 10:00 a.m. As I fell asleep the snow was gently falling in the morning darkness. I woke up to a beautiful blanket and had to go and shoot pictures this day. The boys replenished their snowmen while I snapped.
I was behind. I still needed to get Jenna and Hayley's gifts to them, and I just hadn't gotten around to it. I think the loss of my mom has hit me harder this Christmas than last. Last Christmas was a blur since she died on December 7. So, I have struggled more, grieved more deeply, felt less confident. In fact, someone made a joking comment about me to a room full of people, and I was embarrassed, and it hit me hard today. I cried inside as the butt of his joke.
I called my aunt and uncle in Tucson. It was nice. It is a link to my mom. They are the only ones left of my parents' age. Passage of time. So strange. I could not think of a gift for them. I wanted to give to Linn-Benton County Food Share, and I told them I was thinking about doing that in lieu of their gift this year, and they were delighted. They thought this was much better. You know how many years I have wanted to suggest we do that instead of exchanging gifts every year? I have always been too afraid to approach the subject. Silly me.
After this, I got my Christmas cards ready for the family and pictures printed for the Christmas card to Rita in Malaysia. That has been burdening me since I left there in August and promised to send her pictures. George drove me to Starbuck's for Jenna and Hayley's gift, and we got these and the cards in the mail. I love closure.
Still crying in the car with him. I'm grieving. I did lose a brother too. Jean says I get a double pass, right? Hard but also a good year.
Then, we worked out and lifted weights, and I got a hit of FOXNews. I won't pay for it, but it is a nice plus to working out at Timberhill.
I did feel so much better after a workout. Endorphins were released.
Then, we went to Fred Meyer to stock up for our through Christmas food. I also have closure because I bought George's gift. George chatted with all sorts of people in the store, and I ran into Melissa; sweet SCC college gal.
George made me a plate of nachos, and I am going to wrap gifts tonight while the boys have Boys' Group if anyone shows up with this snow.
Book Club and Ginny and Lorraine were canceled for tomorrow because of snow. So, I have another day at home. I need to focus and trust that this grief will wash away someday.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sunday, December 07, 2008
The One Year Anniversary
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A Free Day
I am amazed at the many answers to prayer these past few weeks. I have asked for confirmations lately, and He has answered and made some things so abundantly clear. I am so grateful.
I have taken a break from Rousseau the last few days. Somehow Rousseau and Thanksgiving just don't seem to go together.
There is so much more in my heart, but the things that I had on my heart when I started are best just left to a conversation with My king. Off I go.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Contemplating God Himself
"I should pause here for a brief while to contemplate God himself, toRene Descartes, Third Mediation on the Existence of God, p. 43
consider his attributes and to contemplate and adore the beauty of this immense
light insofar as the eye of my darkened mind can tolerate it. Just as we believe
by faith that the greatest happiness of the next life consists simply in the
contemplation of this divine majesty, likewise we experience that we derive the
greatest joy of which we are capable in this life from the same contemplation,
even though it is much less perfect." --
I read this tonight, and it touched me deeply.
Contemplating God himself tonight. If I am going to have insomina, I can't think of a better occupation!
Also thinking of all those friends who have reasoned away their God. That, too, still touches me deeply. I still grieve.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
Learning American History

Sunday, November 02, 2008
A Stroll Down Memory Lane
God bless and smile today.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Another trivial thing: the most common name for the signers of the Mayflower Compact were . . .
JOHNS! (11 - Paul just reminded me).
It does not take much to thrill me. Really pathetic, isn't it?
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A Peace
I like what I have settled into these days. It is well with my soul.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Book Babes Books 2008-2009
The alchemist / Paulo Coelho ; translated by Alan R. Clarke.
Author: Coelho, Paulo
Published: [San Francisco] : HarperSanFrancisco, 1993.
Author: Aldrich, Bess Streeter, 1881-1954
Published: Mattituck, N.Y. : Aeonian, 1978, c1959.
The last lecture / Randy Pausch with Jeffrey Zaslow.
Author: Pausch, Randy
Published: New York : Hyperion, c2008.
Author: Bjorn, Thyra Ferré
Published: New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston [c1955]
River of doubt [CD/book] : [Theodore Roosevelt's darkest journey] / Candice Millard.
Author: Millard, Candice
Published: Santa Ana, CA : Books on Tape, p2005.
The river of doubt : Theodore Roosevelt's darkest journey / Candice Millard.
Author: Millard, CandicePublished: New York : Doubleday, 2005.
Author: McCarthy, Cormac, 1933-
Published: New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2006.
The road [cass/book] / Cormac McCarthy.
Author: McCarthy, Cormac, 1933-
Published: Prince Frederick, Md. : Recorded Books, p2006.
Selkirk's Island : the true and strange adventures of the real Robinson Crusoe / Diana Souhami.
Author: Souhami, Diana.
The story of the other wise man / Henry Van Dyke ; [introduction by Leo Buscaglia].
Author: Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933.
Published: New York : Ballantine Books, 1984, c1923.
Wesley the owl : the remarkable love story of an owl and his girl / Stacey O'Brien.
Author: O'Brien, Stacey
Published: New York : Free Press, c2008.
The year of fog : a novel / Michelle Richmond.
Author: Richmond, Michelle, 1970-
Published: New York : Delacorte Press, c2007.
The year of fog [downloadable audiobook] / by Michelle Richmond.
Author: Richmond, Michelle, 1970-
Published: [Ashland, Or.] : Blackstone Audio, Inc., 2007.
The year of fog [large print] / Michelle Richmond.
Author: Richmond, Michelle, 1970-
Published: Waterville, Me. : Thorndike Press, 2007.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sometimes, you just have to have a good laugh . . .
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A Breather
Once Jubilee is over, I will have a very reasonable schedule. We have made our adjustment to the "fall homeschool line-up" by dropping Biology lab. We are also through the two big Fun Runs: Fall Festival and Alzheimer's walk. My discipleship meetings are all planned on the schedule (that was a major undertaking) and Nourieh and I have our first Bible study on the 28th of October. Also, Paul's braces are on and teeth will all be finished being pulled tomorrow. Then, it will just be follow up appointments every five weeks.
Whew! I will be just right on Saturday. :) Not too busy and not too slow. I like that. Jubilee made me a bit busier than I like, and I am sorry to say that I will not be able to be a part of it next year. I really want to focus on other things, and it takes too much energy away from those things while I am trying to also get the fall off the ground and running.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
The Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mary Rowlandson
Back to Mary.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Reading Goals for the Next Four Months
2 Samuel and 1 Kings
True End of Civil Government by John Locke
Narrative and Capitity of Mary Rowlandson (with kids for Am. Lit)
The Translator: A Tribesman's Memoir of Dafur
Common Sense by Thomas Paine (with kids for Am. Lit.)
Paradise Lost by John Milton
Meditations by Descartes
2 Kings
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (with kids for Am. Lit.)
Democracy in America by Toqueville
Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther
A Christmas Carol by Dickens (as family)
The New England Mind by Miller
Silas Marner by Eliot (for Book Dames)
Up from Slavery by Washington (for SCC Book Club)
Walden by Thoreau (with kids for Am. Lit.)
Life and Times of Frederick Douglas (with kids for Am. Lit.)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Well-Educated Mind Homeschool Update: History
We are studying
US HISTORY!!!!!!!!!
We are starting off by using this:
This is a 26 lecture film series put out by the Annenberg Media. Each lecture lasts 30 minutes, and it is FREE Video on Demand. It gives a good visual for what we are studying.
Here is the web address for this:
We are also listening to Joy Hakim's delightful series A History of US. It is geared toward a younger audience, but we really like the interesting stories, and she isn't TOO politically correct for our sensibilities. She seems pretty fair and balanced compared to some other texts. We are just finishing up The Making of Thirteen Colonies.
We are supplementing this with two high school texts that are used in AP US History classes:

I like A People and a Nation too.
This is all being reinforced by our American Literature course that we are taking through:
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Another Threshold
When I wrote this definition over a month ago about our trip to Southeast Asia, I never thought it would be applicable for our trip home, but it is!
I didn't think about until today, but we are on the starting point of a new state or experience with this job situation. It is not a struggle, but there is much more energy being put into the realm of possibilities that abound for us.
I hit a wall on Monday, and I knew I was edging toward it when I went to the first co-op meeting of the year with a NEW co-op. I really wished that I had stayed home from the meeting. I needed some quiet time to reflect, and I haven't had much of that lately. When we came home from Southeast Asia, we had to do a TON of follow up that took hours and hours (still have one more piece to accomplish). We also needed to get things going with school and outside activities. I was still trying to get into a groove and also into a good sleep pattern.
I also made the MISTAKE of staying up late to watch the closing days of the Olympics. Then, I was watching both the Democratic and Republican Conventions. So, by this week, I was pretty fried.
Should have stayed home. I cried through most of the meeting, and I felt like a fool. I know that they may think it is because George lost his job. People just assume things. They assume we are going to move. They assume we are probably worried and anxious and stressed about it, but we are not. We planned for a rainy day. We never thought this HP gig was forever. In fact, this is the longest George has ever had a job at any one place! We weren't HP lifers. We weren't cozy in the job. We aren't even cozy in Corvallis, but we need to stay here because of the dental issues with our kids. So, we aren't planning on moving.
I will say that we ARE processing the options, and this is taking time and emotional energy. The job has been on "auto-pilot" for years. Now that we are landing the "HP plane" and thinking about our future flight plan, there is MUCH more "pilot to copilot" communication. We are more on our toes, and THAT is exhausting me.
More recently, I stayed up late and poured my heart out and then listened to God. It was so good. I guess He was speaking to me about being open to self-employment. When I told George about this the next morning, he said he had been praying about this for a week and was "easing me" in to the idea. Interesting.
I have always thought we are not self-employment type of people, but George has had a self-employment component since he left HP. So, there is a possibility that he could draw from all his contacts and do contracts with all of them.
We are on the threshold. It is exciting . . . and exhausting.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
A Bend in the Road
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Bill Wardrop's Celebration of Life
Here is the magazine cover God allowed me to find for his memorial on August 23rd.
April 18, 1945 - July 7, 2008
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
On the Threshold of a Dream
We are going to Southeast Asia after seven long years of being away! I am excited. I can't contain it.
I gotta' go.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Sunday Reflections
Oh my, I hear the car with George and Paul. I have to go to church now. Really, I GET to go! I love going to church now. :)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Oregon Shakespeare Festival And Porch Reflections
I spent the weekend at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. It was a celebration for Laura's (second row on the left) 40th birthday which will be in December. She invited ten friends from different eras of her life. I am the most recent "era" in that, while I have known her (and admired her from afar) for about three or four years, we just started really getting to know each other since last July when we started meeting for accountability. Laura is a deep and kind woman. So, of course, she has attracted deeply spiritual friends over the years. The weekend was overwhelming for me in that I would have loved to connect more deeply with each person, but there was no prior history other than with Laura and Cathi (standing at the top), and I probably won't see any of the rest of them again.
I was a bit lonely and depressed on Saturday night until I realized I could revel in the solitude of my own room even as I listened to the hushed murmurs of midnight conversations in all the rooms around the house. I realized that I have this healthy desire to connect deeply that always seems to be frustrated in large groups of women stuck in the same place for a limited amount of time (women's retreats, Trapdoor/Lamppost getaways, etc). That desire can easily become a demand if I am not careful.I woke up very early Sunday morning really THANKFUL that I didn't have a roommate that I would disturb! I stole away to the deserted porch and had a long and wonderful time with God where I started out with this verse from Face to Face by Kenneth Boa:
"Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed,
Save me, and I will be saved,
For You are the One I praise" (Jeremiah 17:14).
So funny that this has been my healing verse since 2006, yet I never realized it is in the context of a teaching about a deceitful heart - something that God has been speaking to me about all summer!
"Cursed is the [woman] who trusts in mankind
And makes flesh her strength,
And whose heart turns away from the LORD" (17:5).
I wrote:
Oh Lord - my deceitful heart has turned away from you this
morning. Yesterday, I was making FLESH my strength. Deceitful heart - when will
you learn!?
What is my end if I am like that?
"For [s]he will be like a bush in the desert
And will not see when prosperity comes,
But will live in stony wastes in the wilderness
A land of salt without inhabitant"(17:6).
Lord, a heart set on people will always be a heart dry and
longing for water because people were never meant to be my
lifespring even though my deceitful heart longs for it to be
"Blessed is the [woman] who trusts in the LORD
And whose trust is the LORD" (17:7).
Lord, help me to trust in You. Become my trust. Wretched woman.
When will I learn to not make flesh my strength?
What is the biproduct of this blessed life?
"For she will be like a tree (then I drew a picture with my meditations)planted by the water,
that extends its roots by a stream.
And will not fear when the heat comes.
But its leaves will be green,
And it will not be anxious in a year of drought.
Nor cease to yield fruit"(17:8).
"The heart is more deceitful than all else
And is desparately sick;
Who can understand it?" (17:9)
Lord, I am only beginning to really understand my deceitful heart.
"Lord, you search my heart
You test my mind" (17:10).
Lord, don't give to me according to my ways,
According to the results of my deeds
but remember mercy and Jesus,
and Holy Spirit, transform me.
LORD, our sanctuary is a glorious throne.
LORD, my hope.
LORD, help me not to forsake you, the fountain of living water.
Hope. Now the verse I started with:
"Heal me, O LORD, And I will be healed;
Save me and I will be saved
For, You are my praise."
Lord, you have commanded Your lovingkindness
this morning. THANK YOU. You ALONE do wonderful things. Fill today with your
glory, LORD.
It ended up being a very glorious end to a wonderful weekend. I ended up loving it. My perspective was right once again. Praise God for course corrections in midstream.
I am a little down today, but again, I am having to learn the longing I have to connect is not always met in some friendships, and that was quite clear to me as I went out with two friends last night. So, today I am a bit empty again, but it has been good to be rereminded of what God taught me one Sunday morning on a porch in Ashland. Another course correction for my deceitful heart.
There is more to say about the plays, but I will stop for now.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Double Pass
This is the last picture of my brother Bill. He died last Monday at the age of 63. What a lovely time of sitting on the lawn outside of Balboa Park near San Diego last August. We talked of him moving to Oregon. I wanted to help him. Here is my post from last August 22.
Today, it all caught up with me, and I need to breath and grieve. I went for a walk/hike with Rosemary and enjoyed the view from up above toward Chip Ross hill. I need a higher view right now in everything.
I made a mistake in a rendezvous point for lunch with friends today. It meant Jean driving all the way to Corvallis only to to drive all the way back to Salem when she couldn't find LeAnne and me. I realized I had topped out in trying to prepare to go overseas, doing a writing class with my kids, meeting with friends, discipling women, having Bible study. Jean (who had two hours of driving) was so gracious when I told her I was an idiot. She said . . .
"Carol, you get a pass on this one. You have so much going on right now. In fact, you get a double pass. I enjoyed my drive down and trip to Jamocha Jo's (friend Nancy's coffee shop) and Bed, Bath, and Beyond. It was a great drive back up. Double pass, Carol."
So, I am NOT going berry picking tomorrow. I am slowing down in the writing class. I canceled something someone wanted me to do right after I get back from Southeast Asia. I canceled a time meeting with someone close to the time that I was leaving. I am going to give myself a double pass and grieve.
Carol out
Friday, July 04, 2008
Happy 4th of July
The Cowdens cancelled their annual party, and the Stews had to back out of a get-together tonight because Jake has a game.
So, we didn't know what we would do. Felt sort of lonely, but NOT for long.
I took a walk and told George that I needed a hammock! So, we went to five different stores and found one at RiteAid. We set it up. I read Plato. George watched Wimbledon and baked an apple pie. I took a nap. We went to Applebees. We took a bike ride to the river and watched the band. We came back, invited Eva for a apple pie and fireworks. We also asked Marg who said, "Do you like cherries?"
Do I like cherries!?
We picked a whole bag! Now, we are starting the fireworks in our driveway and will bring pie to Eva and Marg.
Life is grand. I love my life more than anyone will ever know.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Peaceful Middle of the Night Reflections

Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Summer Reading Goals Update
H=History, D=Drama, P=Poetry, A=Autobiography
H - Peloponnesian War by Thucydides (Done 7/2 - I will shout this from the rooftops!)
H - Plato's Republic (Done 7/22)
H - Plutarch's Lives (2 Volumes: Roman and Greek )
H - City of God by Augustine
H - Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede
D - Everyman (Done 6/19 - contrast with Dr. Faustus - loved this play!)
H - Prince by Machiavelli (Done 6/24 - Richard III blew it)
H - Utopia by Sir Thomas More
P - Sonnets of Shakespeare (Done 6/26)
A - Essays of Montaigne
A - Life of Teresa of Avila
D - Doctor Faustus by Marlowe (Done 6/21 - Heavy and great for discussion!)
D - Richard III by Shakespeare (Done 6/21 - Shakespeare ROCKS!)
D - Midsummer Nights Dream by Shakespeare (Done 6/24)
D- Hamlet by Shakespeare (Done 6/28)
Beyond Goals:
D - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (Done June 29)
D - Tartuffe by Moliere (Done July 2)
D - A Doll's House (Done July 14)
D - The Cherry Orchard (Done July 14)
Amazing Grace: Stories of Newton, Wilberforce, and Equiano (audio)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Saturday, Sunday Shakespeare

Any way you slice it, Shakespeare rocks in my book. I really enjoyed this Saturday flight through the 108 pages of this classic English play, Richard III.

After Richard III (finished the play last night and the movie this morning), I went on to read The Complete Sonnets of Shakespeare. Now, this was a bit tougher for me. I downloaded them from the Oregon Digital Library Consortium Library2Go and read along as I listened. It was tough until I found the "No Fear Shakespeare" section of SparkNotes with original text and modern text in parallel form! So, if I don't get it, I can read this. I am through about 35 of them.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Blood Clots and School Year Next Year
So, to totally keep my mind off of this, I am writing out the plan for next school year:
2008-2009 School Year
A People and a Nation
The American Pageant
The Story of US by Hakim
CLEP Exam Study Site with links to the
Annenburg Foundation A Biography of America with Video on Demand
Critical Thinking in US History: From Colonies to Constitution (Led by Linda H. in Thurs. Coop)
American History Timelines Figures from: Homeschool in the Woods
Led by Linda H. in Thursday coop - presentations and group projects around the election in the fall.
AMERICAN LITERATURE - http://www.thelmaslibrary.com/
Here is our list of books and ones that I will read with them because they are on my Well-Educated Mind List (TWEM):
Anna Bradstreet - To My Husband and Other Poems
Thomas Paine- Common Sense (TWEM)
Benjamin Franklin – Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (TWEM)
Ralph Waldo Emerson- Self-Reliance and Other Essays
Henry David Thoreau – Civil Disobedience and Other Essays
Henry David Thoreau – Walden; or, Life in the Woods (TWEM)
Frederick Douglas – Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas (TWEM)
Louisa May Alcott- Short Stories
Mark Twain- (Samuel Clemens) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (TWEM - Read already)
Mark Twain- Humorous Stories and Sketches
Great American Short Stories (Poe, Melville, Harte, London, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Hawthorne, others)
101 Great American Poems (Poe, Whitman, Robinson, Melville, Holmes, Frost, Dickinson, Pound, Eliot, Stevens, others) (TWEM - Dickinson, Frost)
O’Henry- (W.S.Porter) The Gift of the Magi
Harriet Beecher Stowe- Uncle Tom’s Cabin (TWEM - Read already)
Other authors in syllabus reading include William Bradford, Cotton Mather, Michael Wigglesworth, Mary Rowlandson (TWEM), Jonathon Edwards, Phyllis Wheatley, various Founding documents, letters, and covenants.
It should compliment our American History studies nicely. We hope to have this class with about eight other kids from 8th-12th grade in our home on Thursday afternoons after coop.
I have all the textbooks for next year, but I am seriously considering purchasing Teaching Textbooks Geometry or Algebra II for Michael. I will stick with BJU Pre-Algebra for Paul.
I had every intention of moving Michael on to Chemistry next year, but I am going to wait until Paul can do it with him, and that will require Paul being through Algebra I. So, I will wait until Paul's sophomore year and Michael's senior year in high school. So, Paul will start a two year study through the BJU Biology Text, and Michael will review his biology and study for the CLEP Biology Exam.
In addition, they will be doing Biology Lab with Sheri P. at the Thursday homes chool coop.
Once Michael reviews his biology and takes the CLEP (hopefully by Christmas). I will have him start the Cornell Bird Biology Course or physics or earth science or marine biology. This will be his choice, but I bet he chooses the bird biology! He can continue this into his junior year in high school since this course is like a college course.
I am setting up a writing class with a friend this summer, and we will continue the things we learn from there. Nikki also mentioned an excellent writing course that she has had Alita take that I want to look into.
I am hoping to go through Nitty Gritty Grammar with Michael and pick Katrina's brain for how she has used it. Paul will continue with Daily Grams.
We haven't gotten the new schedule, but I want to do less of these this year, maybe only once or twice a quarter for a total of 3-6. This years we did about seven plays and five field trips. That was a ton! In addition, we are going to be involved in a play through our coop this year. I think Michael will act. I don't think that Paul will though.
The Timberhill Athletic Club has been a sound investment for keeping the boys physically active. They are also playing badminton and hiking with dad now that the sun is out. Good movement around this household
Paul is reducing to six lessons for the summer term. I may continue this through the school year too since we will be busier with coop and American Literature.
Paul finished the New Testament this year, and Michael did many Old Testament books and Acts in connection with Classical Literature. Michael has already started in Genesis, and I think I will have Paul do the same.
They are also continuing with their prayer and Bible lessons with the Boys' Group every other Friday night.
Michael needs to take that test! We need to get him driving with us. I don't think he needs to take the course, but it depends on what our insurance wants us to do. He is in no hurry though.
H=History, D=Drama, P=Poetry, A=Autobiography
H - Peloponnesian War by Thucydides (Done July)
H - Plato's Republic (Done July 22)
H - Plutarch's Lives (2 Volumes: Roman and Greek )
H - City of God by Augustine
H - Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede
D - Everyman (Done 6/19 - contrast with Dr. Faustus - loved this play!)
H - Prince by Machiavelli (Done 6/24 - Richard III blew it)
H - Utopia by Sir Thomas More
P - Sonnets of Shakespeare (Done in June)
P - Poems of Donne
A - Essays of Montaigne
A - Life of Teresa of Avila
D - Doctor Faustus by Marlowe (Done 6/21 - Heavy and great for discussion!)
D - Richard III by Shakespeare (Done 6/21 - Shakespeare ROCKS!)
D - Midsummer Nights Dream by Shakespeare (Done in June)
D- Hamlet by Shakespeare (Done in June)
I may just skip the history/autobiographies and just do the drama and poetry books and come back around to the ones I skipped in the future. They are LONG books. I want to be up to the 1600's so I can read along with the American Literature books. :)
Tidy up all closets (done with Master and Office)
Tidy up all drawers (done with Master)
Tidy up kitchen cupboards and drawers
Digital Scrapbooking for 365, Michael and Paul's books
Friday, June 06, 2008
Out of the Mouth of My Babe
We came back from a delightful dinner in Jefferson, Oregon with the family of a young man who is going to SEA this summer. Paul's comment on the way home in the car. I wish I could remember it just right.
"I am realizing that people are not just 'things.' They are not strangers either. They are people with a story. They all have unique backgrounds that make them who they are. There is a reason why they do what they do because of that background. I am just seeing that I see people on the street and they may seem like strangers, but they have a story." (Paul - 13 years 6 1/2 months)
I may edit this after I talk more with him this morning about he said. We had such a nice discussion in the car as a result of it which ended in insane and hysterical laughter about something or other.
I love our family time. Car time is always so precious.
Monday, June 02, 2008
The Lord make His face shine upon you
And give you peace
And give you peace
And give you peace, forever . . .
We closed our Bible Book Club tonight with this song and prayer. Anna shared how her mother would pray this over her every night when she was growing up. How absolutely precious.
I sensed God's presence there tonight. I was so blessed.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Cranford on Masterpiece
It is a story about a town called Cranford and the stories of the lives of the people in it.
Perfect for a Sunday evening
On to another subject: why am I so darn happy? I never knew that so much of my highs and lows were connected with the orb I used to be in.
I guess this is what flying really feels like?
Friday, May 16, 2008
Finished Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Monday, May 12, 2008
It has been a while
I looked for the words to the song Welcome to Love the other day, and I coudn't find them. I found the song on Rhapsody here:
Welcome to Love (the song is listed in the list of songs on the right of the page)
This song was given to me over and over again by the LORD when I was going through the horrific experience two years ago. I kept praying it over and over again for another person, but now I know that God had it for me to hear. He has welcomed me into a loving and kind place that shows His love like I have never experienced before. Before, I felt all the paranoia that this song talks about. I don't feel that in my new situation. The difference is as different as day and night.
Thank you for welcoming me to love, Lord. I am in such a good place.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Bodybugg is a hit!
For instance, I found that Group Power only burns 200 calories per hour as opposed to The FIRM which burns 285 per hour and Circuit Training which is the most efficient at about 350 per hour. So, I have been Circuit Weight Training. I can do it in half the time of Group Power and still burn about the same amount of calories or go and do the Elliptical which is a great calorie burner.
I am also learning that I can just move more each day and reach my calorie burn goal. Just been standing up more when I talk on the phone, walk around the block more, especially in the morning in order to heat up my "engine" and get my calories burning more when I do more sedentary things.
Anyway. I have lost 4. 2 lbs in two weeks, but the cool thing is that I have lost 7.45 lbs of FAT and gained 3.25 lbs of muscle! I went from 28.1% to 24.9%. Also, my food log was MORE than my actual measurement. I was wihin 43 calories of my actual measurement amount of food intake.
I love this bodybugg. It has taken all the guesswork out of my calorie balancing! SO FUN!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Yesterday's Food
0.5 Cup Blueberries
0.5 Cup Non Fat Plain Yogurt (13 grams protein per 8 ounces)
16.0 Fl Ozs Water
2.0 Tsps White Granulated Sugar
AM Snack
1.0 Item Banana
8.0 Fl Ozs Nonfat, Skim or Fat Free Milk
2.0 Ounces Turkey or Chicken Breast, Prepackaged or Deli
2.0 Tbsps Whipped Cream Topping, Pressurized
PM Snack
1.0 Item Egg
1.0 Serving Steak and Portobello Mushrooms with potatoes and brocolli Applebee's WW
8.0 Cups Water
Late Snack
1.0 Serving Dairy Queen Orange Vanilla Bar
15.0 Items WRIGLEY'S EXTRA Sugar Free Gum, All Flavors
Total for all meals
60.1 g
179.6 g
20.1 g
1014.7 Cal (Low, but I was really busy yesterday and didn't get around to it!)
Calories burned yesterday: 2766
Deficit: 1750
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Breakfast - Yogurt, Fiber One, Blueberries (1/2 cup each), 16 oz water, iron, multivitamin, green tea
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Wrapping Up the Year
I loved the women, but meeting every other week and alternating it between prayer and Bible study made for a long and drawn out study. I think once a month is too long to have a good Bible discussion!
Now, Bible Book Club is getting most of my attention. So, I will continue the Romans study, but I won't continue this Abraham study into Jacob for next year.
I had a fabulous time in Tucson with Nancy Casady and at Hannah's wedding. It was a spendy weekend, but it was worth the investment! I will post some pictures on my picture blog very soon!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Been Too Long
Quick Rundown of "Life"
The Well-Educated Mind
One thing I did finish was HERODOTUS! Huge accomplishment for me. I am going to take a breather from history and jump to some poetry: Odes of Horace and Gawain and the Green Knight. I can't face Thucydides just yet.
The boys and I just finished studying WWII. They will go to the Evergreen Aviation museum on Saturday with Dee while Geo and I are in Tucson for Hannah's wedding. We are on track for everything in school except Michael's biology. He is behind in that.
The Well-Watered Soul
I have loved Bible Book Club. I love being in the Word like this. I am posting. So, I am absorbing more. I felt out of balance though with personal prayer, but I think this is much better. I have been prioritizing prayer FIRST in my discipleship times with others too. This has helped.
We wrapped up Romans 6-8 in March, and I will wrap up the Abraham study on April 15. Then, I will just have Bible Book Club, and that is what Kim and I will do for our meeting time now.
Wellness in Body
I was going well. My back went out in February. I had to nurse it for a while. I was back to working out again. Then, I got sick. I am better now. I am weight-lifting, walking, riding the bike, doing elliptical, and ballroom dancing. I still have ten more pounds of all the weight I put on while helping my mom in November, but I feel like I am on the right track and eating well and in control. So, I am encouraged in this area and hope to see that ten go away soon!
Wellness in Spirit
I love everything about my life right now. I feel such a love balance of the input of support and encouragement and the output and investment God has called me toward. It is lovely to be in a safe and supportive environment now. All the years of waiting on the LORD for the right fit, church-wise, make me so appreciative of what I now have. SCC is a precious and wonderful place. I am so very grateful!
Yet those who wait (hope in) the LORD
Will gain new strength
They will mount up with wings like eagles
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary (Isaiah 40:31)
Thank you dear LORD for giving me strength and helping me soar.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Pieces of My Life on a Wednesday Afternoon

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sunday Morning
The first family member to arrive in my sanctuary was Paul at 9:25 a.m. So, nice to have 2 1/2 uninterrupted hours.
I also composed a detailed post for the Passover Sedar we will have on Good Friday. I am so glad that I had an equipment and food list stored in my "Celebrate the Feasts" file from fifteen years ago. We had the same number of people then when we did it with with the "Feasts Group." That was a hodgepodge of singles and career people. Funny thing was, NO ONE HELPED in the kitchen before the meal, and I did try to ask for it. "A" freaked out about boiling noodles and walked away from the boiling pot asking me to please do it (Geo ended up taking over). "S" had a "crisis" and was praying and crying in a downstairs bedroom. Many people with many issues back then. It is funny to look back at it now.
I was feeding a toddler (the only one with a child but a very happy and content child, YEAH Michael!) and working in the kitchen while everyone visited and chatted away in the living room. It was so strange. I just could not understand it. The good part: I was in the "zone" with the LORD that day and just prayed for the people and enjoyed myself. Hoping those people have learned to be servants being that many have children of their own now.
Made me not want to be in charge of another Passover with a big group of people again though! It was so much work!
Fast forward ten years, and I did it with the Wafers, Iszlers, Kings, etc, and EVERYONE pitched in and helped. Mary Ann hosted and was phenomenal! It sure makes for a very enjoyable meal when everyone carries the load!
I have no doubts that this new group, despite having small children will also be very helpful.
I am also very excited that Phil will be leading it! They have done this so many times, I am sure they will tell me if I missed something along the way.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Feeling the Music of Out of Africa

Monday, March 10, 2008
10K Saturday

This was one of the beautiful sights we saw during the 10K.
We also saw some bluebirds. It was a very special time for our family.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
A Good Kind of Tired
We taught our first digital photograhy class at 4-H today. There are more kids who will be joining next month because the movie making class overlapped with this class. So, we just took the two girls in the class out to a park and took a ton of pictures. Their assignment was to just SHOOT, SHOOT, SHOOT and take a mass quantity of pictures versus trying to get a perfect shot. It was a nice day for it too. Very nice girls too. I love this homeschool crowd. I wish we would have joined them a long time ago, but I didn't know we were invited.
We came back to a light school day. I realized we have 61 lessons of World History and only 51 days of school left if we want to be done by Memorial Day weekend, but this is because they started the online class later than we started. I don't see it as a problem though. While the first half of this class had at least one quiz, one online response writing project, and one discussion board answer a week, the second half of the class only has one online response and two discussion boards for the remaining 12 weeks! I also only has the weekly quiz for the next seven weeks. There is also no final exam, but there is a final paper. We will double up our days on the days there is just online reading. So, I don't see any problem catching up those two weeks and even getting ahead by a week so that they have much of May to write their final paper. Michael will be done with his classical literature class and may even be done with his math class by then too. So, he will be able to devote more time to the final paper. With Paul, I will walk him through that final paper process since he is younger. I know Michael will have no problem doing it on his own.
Speaking of Michael, I am amazed at how he has grown in the area of getting things done on his own. I was shocked when he came up on Monday night during Bible Book Club and got his classical lit books so he could do Agamemnon. He was doing that because we had gone to the beach on Monday and skipped school. He knew he needed to do it to stay on track.
I am also amazed that he seems to actually enjoy this classical literature course. He is also writing everything without complaint and just asks me to come along and proofread it until he submits it. He is also writing out all his study questions for biology. This makes it so easy to review the sections of biology with him.
So, it has been a great year. I am pleased.
I am rambling. I am a good kind of tired, but I am going to go to the club RIGHT NOW and work out again. Just a light cardio day today. I will bring A Tale of Two Cities to read. It is nice because Becky is doing Proverbs 3 for tomorrow. So, I have had five out of the last seven days off from Bible Book Club. This has given me some extra time. I am so grateful to Katrina and Becky for taking Thursdays and Mondays for me too!
Off I go. Hard to get off the couch, but I need to do it!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
On Death and Dying
I am not one to question God's sovereignty. I don't feel any need to do so. It isn't because I am pollyanna about it. It isn't because I am super spiritual either. It is part of my genetics to look at life with a "What is, is" attitude (For your Myers-Briggs people, I am a very STRONG "S"). Suffering happens. Poo-Poo Occurs. People die. The reality is that none of us get out of here alive. I am just in a position this morning of asking God what He is teaching me through all of this when it seems like it is all coming in a big wave of a morning. I don't say this "What is, is" with any bit of coldness or callousness either. I feel these people and their pain. I want to DO something to help them! But what?
Interesting that the message I heard from the LORD this morning was to let everything that I do be done in LOVE today. This is a message for every day, but this is what I was reminded of as my life's calling and direction: a life of love.
So, how can I love today those people who are in such pain? That is what I am pondering and will continue to ponder throughout the rest of the day.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Vision and Attainable Goals
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a vision.”
- Anonymous
Creating goals that will lead you to realize your vision is an important step in professional development. Here are some tips on creating goals for yourself and your team:
* Determine your vision and document it
* Outline steps that will help you realize your vision
* Make each of those steps goals that are measurable and attainable
* Evaluate your vision as you reach each goal
I thought immediately of Bible Book Club! I have a vision for going through the Bible with a group, and we are doing it one day at a time. It has been great!
I also thought about the classical literature goal. Here is how it is going:
Greek Lyrics - Lattimore Trans
Agamemnon* - Aeschylus (I added Libation Bearers and Eumedides too)
Oedipus Rex - Sophocles
Medea - Euripedes
Birds - Aristophanes WILL FINISH TONIGHT!
Histories - Herodutus NEXT!
Peloponnesian War - Thucydides
Republic - Plato
Poetics - Aristotle
Odes - Horace
Lives - Plutarch
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