Thursday, June 19, 2008

Blood Clots and School Year Next Year

It appears I have a blood clot in my right leg above my right knee. So, I am going in for an angiogram/angioplasty on Friday. Stay tuned. :(

So, to totally keep my mind off of this, I am writing out the plan for next school year:

2008-2009 School Year


A People and a Nation
The American Pageant
The Story of US by Hakim
CLEP Exam Study Site with links to the
Annenburg Foundation A Biography of America with Video on Demand
Critical Thinking in US History: From Colonies to Constitution (Led by Linda H. in Thurs. Coop)
American History Timelines Figures from: Homeschool in the Woods


Led by Linda H. in Thursday coop - presentations and group projects around the election in the fall.


Here is our list of books and ones that I will read with them because they are on my Well-Educated Mind List (TWEM):

Anna Bradstreet - To My Husband and Other Poems
Thomas Paine- Common Sense (TWEM)
Benjamin Franklin – Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (TWEM)
Ralph Waldo Emerson- Self-Reliance and Other Essays
Henry David Thoreau – Civil Disobedience and Other Essays
Henry David Thoreau – Walden; or, Life in the Woods (TWEM)
Frederick Douglas – Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas (TWEM)
Louisa May Alcott- Short Stories
Mark Twain- (Samuel Clemens) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (TWEM - Read already)
Mark Twain- Humorous Stories and Sketches
Great American Short Stories (Poe, Melville, Harte, London, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Hawthorne, others)
101 Great American Poems (Poe, Whitman, Robinson, Melville, Holmes, Frost, Dickinson, Pound, Eliot, Stevens, others) (TWEM - Dickinson, Frost)
O’Henry- (W.S.Porter) The Gift of the Magi
Harriet Beecher Stowe- Uncle Tom’s Cabin (TWEM - Read already)

Other authors in syllabus reading include William Bradford, Cotton Mather, Michael Wigglesworth, Mary Rowlandson (TWEM), Jonathon Edwards, Phyllis Wheatley, various Founding documents, letters, and covenants.

It should compliment our American History studies nicely. We hope to have this class with about eight other kids from 8th-12th grade in our home on Thursday afternoons after coop.


I have all the textbooks for next year, but I am seriously considering purchasing Teaching Textbooks Geometry or Algebra II for Michael. I will stick with BJU Pre-Algebra for Paul.


I had every intention of moving Michael on to Chemistry next year, but I am going to wait until Paul can do it with him, and that will require Paul being through Algebra I. So, I will wait until Paul's sophomore year and Michael's senior year in high school. So, Paul will start a two year study through the BJU Biology Text, and Michael will review his biology and study for the CLEP Biology Exam.

In addition, they will be doing Biology Lab with Sheri P. at the Thursday homes chool coop.

Once Michael reviews his biology and takes the CLEP (hopefully by Christmas). I will have him start the Cornell Bird Biology Course or physics or earth science or marine biology. This will be his choice, but I bet he chooses the bird biology! He can continue this into his junior year in high school since this course is like a college course.


I am setting up a writing class with a friend this summer, and we will continue the things we learn from there. Nikki also mentioned an excellent writing course that she has had Alita take that I want to look into.

I am hoping to go through Nitty Gritty Grammar with Michael and pick Katrina's brain for how she has used it. Paul will continue with Daily Grams.


We haven't gotten the new schedule, but I want to do less of these this year, maybe only once or twice a quarter for a total of 3-6. This years we did about seven plays and five field trips. That was a ton! In addition, we are going to be involved in a play through our coop this year. I think Michael will act. I don't think that Paul will though.


The Timberhill Athletic Club has been a sound investment for keeping the boys physically active. They are also playing badminton and hiking with dad now that the sun is out. Good movement around this household


Paul is reducing to six lessons for the summer term. I may continue this through the school year too since we will be busier with coop and American Literature.


Paul finished the New Testament this year, and Michael did many Old Testament books and Acts in connection with Classical Literature. Michael has already started in Genesis, and I think I will have Paul do the same.

They are also continuing with their prayer and Bible lessons with the Boys' Group every other Friday night.


Michael needs to take that test! We need to get him driving with us. I don't think he needs to take the course, but it depends on what our insurance wants us to do. He is in no hurry though.

H=History, D=Drama, P=Poetry, A=Autobiography

H - Peloponnesian War by Thucydides (Done July)
H - Plato's Republic (Done July 22)

H - Plutarch's Lives (2 Volumes: Roman and Greek )
H - City of God by Augustine
H - Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede
D - Everyman (Done 6/19 - contrast with Dr. Faustus - loved this play!)
H - Prince by Machiavelli (Done 6/24 - Richard III blew it)

H - Utopia by Sir Thomas More
P - Sonnets of Shakespeare (Done in June)
P - Poems of Donne
A - Essays of Montaigne
A - Life of Teresa of Avila
D - Doctor Faustus by Marlowe (Done 6/21 - Heavy and great for discussion!)
D - Richard III by Shakespeare (Done 6/21 - Shakespeare ROCKS!)

D - Midsummer Nights Dream by Shakespeare (Done in June)
D- Hamlet by Shakespeare (Done in June)

I may just skip the history/autobiographies and just do the drama and poetry books and come back around to the ones I skipped in the future. They are LONG books. I want to be up to the 1600's so I can read along with the American Literature books. :)


Tidy up all closets (done with Master and Office)

Tidy up all drawers (done with Master)

Tidy up kitchen cupboards and drawers

Digital Scrapbooking for 365, Michael and Paul's books


Anonymous said...

Midsummer Night's Dream outdoors in the OSU Quad next month--should be fun.

Meanwhile--clots be gone!


Anonymous said...

This looks really good! We decided to continue homeschooling Caleb through high school...whew, quite daunting in many ways, but also exciting! We'll be using Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1, Apologia Biology, BJU World Geography, and some logic and reasoning (The Fallacy Detective and The Thinking Toolbox). For writing, I splurged and Caleb will be "coached" by Write at Home online. I'm excited about it...thoroughly looked into it, met and talked with the guy who started it. I really like their philosophy and their money back guarantee! We'll also continue with Easy Grammar/Daily Grams. I'm adding Wordly Wise too. History will come through literature. This year will be so much heavier on reading for Caleb. But, I fully intend to go right along with him...hopefully that will help.
Have you ever looked into AmblesideOnline? I've been spending a little time trying to learn more about it, seeing if I can somehow glean a little to incorporate into what we'll be doing.
I've never done much with art or music before. Caleb has no natural inclination towards either. Conner always did, so I never had to plan much for him, other than schedule piano lessons. I did find that our library has all the Sister Wendy videos, so we may spend some time with those.
You would think that in our huge metropolitan area that there would be more available for us for co-ops and such. Most of it is down south of us...too far away, don't know anyone, etc. So, we feel a little bit like lone rangers!
Oh yeah, we'll also be doing Thinking Like a Christian and Countering Culture - both are worldview studies. Hoping to whet the appetite with those, and move deeper next year. I'm also hoping to just get him to read his Bible, no strict study. He's getting burned out on that...picture the rolling of the eyes! Don't want that!! So, I'm backing off on straight study and going for more devotional, enjoyable reading.
PE will also be workouts with Dad at the Rec Center, swimming, hiking, general fitness. He's going to Wilderness Adventure camp this summer. He's doing a lot to get ready for that. So, we're counting all of that for either a 1/4 or 1/2 credit of Outdoor PE.
Fun to see what you'll be doing. Hope you don't mind that I shared!
Lisa Pulliam

Anonymous said...

oops...forgot to say that I'll be praying for the blood clot situation!!!

Susanne Barrett said...

Praying for those clots to dissolve on their own.

Which stories are you going to be reading by Alcott? I highly recommend finding a copy of Hospital Sketches because it will be a great addition to your Civil War studies. Louisa worked in Washington DC as a hospital nurse and relates true stories of her experiences with the men, some of whom died. It's a touching little book that reveals the state of hospitals during the Civil War. Great stuff.

Another really great grammar book is The Idiot's Guide to Grammar. I used it recently to teach a remedial community college class. It uses lots of e-mail forwards as examples and is chock-full of tongue-in-cheek humor while teaching the basics and more. I bought mine at B&N.

For chemistry with E this year we're going to be using Spectrum Chemistry. It's expensive but sooooo cool. It's two days of bookwork and one day of experiments for each week, and its considered honors level for high school. I spent a good deal of time studying the program at our home school convention, and I was very much impressed. It looked challenging but totally FUN!

I have our plans fairly well finalized but have to finish grading stuff from this year first -- grades are due Friday. :)

2024 Reading Wrap Up

I have participated in reading  52 Books in 52 Weeks  again. Here are answers to the Wrap Up questions: How was your reading year?  I liked ...