Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Breather

Seems like the fall is flying by. I had to squeeze in a day of prayer at the library (and other downtown locations), and I felt pretty frazzled going into it and not to rested coming out like I usually do. I am going to chalk that up to not getting a good night's sleep the day before and night sweats from the change of life that are usually no-existent when I am working out really hard, but I am only walking these days.

Once Jubilee is over, I will have a very reasonable schedule. We have made our adjustment to the "fall homeschool line-up" by dropping Biology lab. We are also through the two big Fun Runs: Fall Festival and Alzheimer's walk. My discipleship meetings are all planned on the schedule (that was a major undertaking) and Nourieh and I have our first Bible study on the 28th of October. Also, Paul's braces are on and teeth will all be finished being pulled tomorrow. Then, it will just be follow up appointments every five weeks.

Whew! I will be just right on Saturday. :) Not too busy and not too slow. I like that. Jubilee made me a bit busier than I like, and I am sorry to say that I will not be able to be a part of it next year. I really want to focus on other things, and it takes too much energy away from those things while I am trying to also get the fall off the ground and running.

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