Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday Freewrite

I really want to get to writing but I will warm up my fingers with a ten minute freewrite, just for fun.

It has been a more social visiting week up in Newberg/Hillsboro. We got here on Monday morning, and it was raining so I went to Starbuck's right near George's work and actually ordered a COFFEE latte. If you know me, I kinda' detest coffee (love the smell), but for some weird reason I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. So, I ordered one.

Not exactly my favorite, but it did cause me to sip very slowly. The only other time I have actually downed a WHOLE cup of coffee was when I did the Beaver Freezer Triathlon in 2011, and the experts said it would give me a KICK. It did. I won first place in my age division for my first (and last) triathlon. YAY! (Probably more than just the coffee, but I digress).

I finished a post I had started the day before (Malachi 3:1-3 on the refiner's fire and purifying the sons of Levi). Then, I packed up and found a wonderful spot at the library: the QUIET Reading Room, and it was actually really quiet. The same people were in there most of the time including this adorable Muslim lady who was reading everything quietly out loud to herself and smiling the whole time. I wondered if she was studying English, and I wanted to take a break and tell her she could practice with me, but I didn't and went right on writing and writing. I got  three more posts done by 4:30 pm. WOOHOO!

Then, George and I went the flat way home toward McMinnville to pick up Lorraine to take her out for her birthday. We went to Thai food, but it was closed so George's mom said that Tina's was good. OH MY -- for about three times the price per entree! OUCH! We were taking them out for their mutual birthdays (George's mom turned 84 and Lorraine turned 88 on the same day, June 20), but when they saw the prices they offered to help pay. YIKES, and it really wasn't that great. I am willing to pay that much for Nick's Italian Cafe in McMinnville but not Tina's. Sorry.

We got home, and George and his mom chatted, but I fell asleep by 9:30 pm. My theory is that coffee gives you a jolt in the morning, but it leaves you with a big crash by nighttime. Note to self: Do not get addicted to coffee and stick with homemade chai tea.

Speaking of chai tea (one of my favorite subjects), I woke up before the birds at 4:42 am and went and fixed my homemade stuff because I brought all the fixings this time from home! Then, I nestled down mother-in-law's comfy basement starting off the day worshipping God as I read:

Glory to God in the highest! 

And peace on earth
Goodwill towards men.

and listened to the Messiah (another one of my favorite subjects); writing on my Facebook page:

Nothing like Messiah in the morning (and back to homemade chai, by the way).
The Fifth Season: A Daughter-in-Law's Memoir of CaregivingMother-in-law fixed us a wonderful egg and turkey bacon breakfast, and we were off. George dropped me off to meet Lisa, my author friend from Oregon State days (Actually, she is the one George was with at the missions conference when I first really thought, "He is gorgeous!" and stared at him the whole time because he was right in front of me. ). Speaking of gorgeous, Lisa is a gorgeous writer! Her book is to the left and coming out in September. If you have ever done caregiving for a dying parent or are anticipating it, this book will be so beneficial for you! 

Lisa took me to The Coffee Cottage, and we drank hot beverages (Earl Grey this time) and talked for four hours! It seems like we haven't really seen each other in about two years, and she was very busy writing her latest book. Did I mention Lisa was a gorgeous writer?

Then we went to the Thai restaurant because it was closed the night before, and I was craving Thai food only to be disappointed the evening before. We stayed there another couple of hour and finished our day at the George Fox University library writing. Then she brought me home, and I chatted with dear mother-in-law and then read Lisa's book on mil's BIG covered deck. Lisa is definitely a gorgeous writer just in case I didn't mention that yet.

Then Georgie Porgy came home and we went out to dinner with Tim and Katherine. Tim is George's best friend from high school (He has three: his brother, James, and Tim). They ordered this most excellent appetizer:

Hazelnuts (Oregon specialty), bacon, and rosemary OH MY! So good. We laughed and talked, and then Katherine said she wanted to walk the Camino de Santiago. I almost had a heart attack. I lived in Santiago 30 years ago, and I have always wanted to do this! So, we all toasted and decided that we would do it in 2014. Are we crazy or what????  Bucket list dreaming! Returning to that place would be SO MOVING for me!!! Such a terribly hard time in such a beautiful place (I was a nanny there October - December 1982 at the tender age of 23).


After this, we went to see Tim and Katherine's cows that they can't move from another guy's land. So CUTE!!!
After gourmet dessert at Tim and Katherine's (She is the BOMB when it comes to all things related to food.), we came back to mil's house and read. I am reading this book by this gorgeous writer named Lisa Ohlen Harris. Have I mentioned her yet?

Oh, one thing I did not mention is SWEET Adriana from Classical Quest wrote this really lovely post about me. I am so honored and humbled. WOW!

So, this morning I got up for another homemade chai and Messiah and off to work with George. The library does not open until 10 so I walked to Orenco Station and back and listened to more Messiah and the Scripture that goes with it (Have I mentioned that I am doing this because I am writing a Christmas devotional on the Messiah? Also, I am doing it because I love the Messiah.). I ended up doing perk near 10,000 steps, and that is good because I hardly did ANY walking or working out yesterday! Now there is a "Rock and Roll" kiddie program next store, but I am not hearing anything too loud from the QUIET Reading Room.

Oh, TOMORROW, it is supposed to finally stop raining, and George and I will do the Banks to Vernonia Rails-to-Trails route after work. This is another thing on my Bucket List. Last time we did a long trail ride (28 miles round trip) was in 2011 when we just kept going from Lake Sammamish to Lake Washington on our free rental one speed Desani cruisers!

This was 20 more pounds ago by the way! 
It is going to be a lot easier to do the round trip from Banks to Vernonia with our mountain bikes. WOOHOO! It is supposed to be 81 degree tomorrow too. 

One more thing (VERY LONG FREEWRITE). Dee is up in Forest Grove Wednesday - Friday so we are also going to go out to a Hillsboro tea room on Thursday or Friday! YAY! 

Well, I better get going. The cute Muslim lady just walked in! YAY!

I am poised and ready to work on Messiah and those shepherds abiding in the fields watching their flocks by night. WOOHOO!


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Tuesday Freewrite Fifteen

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