Tuesday, October 16, 2012

This and That Freewrite

I love today so far. I have five hours (Catch-22) and 50 pages (House Made of Dawn) left on my 100 Great Books Journey, and I will be done. It will be almost one year since I completed my last "List" journey, having completed the Well-Educated Mind Journey on November 2. I almost completed a "mid year" list by completing all the Book Babes books that I missed. I just had The Wake in the Wind to read. Actually, trying to complete that "missed Book Babes" list made me decide to drop out of that book club since most of the books just didn't interest me, and they were more of a chore to get through than anything. There are too many books that I really WANT to read to waste time reading books that are just mediocre but popular. (Again, not all were like that but more than half). 

Actually, these last 100 Great Books are somewhat of a chore, but it helps me to know what society was thinking at the time these books became Pulitzer Prize winning books. So, there is a point to me reading these books. Most (not all) of the books from the Book Babes will be easily forgotten and not books that stand the test of time or bookmark a period in history. Some that I liked, others hated. Another indication that I read for a different reason than some of those ladies. We all can agree that  books like The Hiding Place and Blood Brothers were absolutely timeless. I wanted books that stirred people to action, but I realize most people do not want to be stirred but entertained. That is not why I read. Thus, one of the many reasons why I exited it. I can be quite serious. LOL!

Well, that was enough of a little writing warm up even though I have already taken my morning prayer walk, drank my tea, straightened up the house, and listened to my book. I will now do some calendar assessment to respond to the requests for meeting times. (Something that usually takes a considerable amount of time).  I will spend some time in Romans 5 after that. 

Kim will come at 11:15, and we will pray for about an hour. Then, my pictures should arrive, and I can work on those. Then I will truly be CURRENT in all my pictures. I think they are pictures through September 2012 for the family. The boys still need to sort through their pictures for the year, but I can wait on that until they are free during Christmas break. :)  

After the days duties, a date awaits. I am trying to steer our date nights to Tuesday so that we can take advantage of a $5 movie if we want to see one. There are a few we will want to see in the coming months. So, it is prudent to have that night on Tuesday since the only conflict for now will be George's monthly meeting at church. Oh yes, we will be switching our Jesus Community to Tuesdays after Christmas. Oh well. So much for $5 movies!

Well, I will sign off for now.

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Fifteen Minute Freewrite

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