Sunday, October 28, 2012

52 in 52 Week 44: Prayer Walk by Janet Holm McHenry

I have had this book sitting in my book shelf for over a year as part of the "Early Reviewers" for LibraryThing.  The beauty of cutting back on my schedule is getting things done on my "To-Do" list. I have little"back burner" things like this getting marked off right and left. YIPPEE!

I have been prayer walking since 1980. It was part of what my discipler did with us when we were learning about prayer. We called them "Joshua Walks." Later, I learned personally from Steve Hawthorne about strategic intercessory prayer walking. Eventually, he wrote this all down in a book: Praying Walking: Praying On Site with Insight, and I recommend this one far over the one I am reviewing today.

I heartily recommend prayer walking. When prayer walking, one can look up into the big sky and focus on God's glorious creation (Even if you are in a big city, you can look at the people that He has created and praise Him as Creator!). It leads one into praise and thanksgiving. I have prayed for the "Welfare of the City" (Jeremiah 29:7) in many different cities in the world. Who knew that I could have written a book about this subject? It never would have crossed my mind, even with over 30 years of experience. This woman did it after two. (She didn't continue doing it as she admits in her "ten year anniversary" edition.). 

This book is about baby steps from a neophyte. It is a testimony of her journey after two years. So, it is for beginning exercisers and people who have never had a consistent devotional life, which I am sure are many!  Many people need to be inspired and motivated to find time and motivation. For this, she has found an audience. 

Some people will not need this book though. They can just put on their tennis shoes and start walking and praying. They can find someone who has done it for a while and learn from them. No book needed. It just depends on what kind of person you are. 

Most of the exercise information can be found on the internet for free. The exercise part can be found by googling "Beginners walking program." So, I am really not sure one needs to read this book to prayer walk. 

Learning about prayer can be found in one of the books she quotes in her book, Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home by Richard Foster. One can read this and then just apply the principles while walking.

Most of the book is about how to pray and how to walk. So, what you have left is her wonderful testimony that is very sweet and endearing. She will relate to most working moms who do not know where to start or how to find time in their schedule to pray and exercise. 

For those who want a deeper read in prayer walking. I would recommend the book linked earlier in this review: Prayerwalking: Praying On Site with In Sight by Steve Hawthorne and Graham Kendrick. It is used on Amazon. So, it is much cheaper, and these men are looking at the bigger picture of prayer walking with much more than two years of experience! 

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