Sunday, October 14, 2012

52 in 52 Week 42: A Farewell to Arms by Earnest Hemingway

And a FAREWELL TO HEMINGWAY!  YAY! After reading FOUR of his books this year because of the 100 Great Books List, I am happy to say FAREWELL! 

I still don't really care for him. I especially realized how much I don't like him because I read his book after the BEAUTIFULLY written book, All the King's Men. Robert Penn Warren was a poet who also wrote prose. Hemingway just seems like a man's man who wrote in such an elementary manner. Plus, the guy just seems like he just doesn't GET anything. Very immature person. Emotionally handicapped IMHO.  I don't think I would have cared for Hemingway. His relationships are so shallow and empty. So, there you go. 

I also think that he is probably more liked by men. He is just a man's man. My husband loves him, and I have such respect for my husband. So, I guess he is just not my cup of tea. He probably wouldn't have liked Austen either. 

I put this right after my review of All Quiet on the Western Front because they are both books written with World War I as the backdrop. Yet, All Quiet is so much more beautifully written and profound! Hemingway fails in my mind, AGAIN!


Faith said...

I went through a Hemingway phase the last two years of high school. Read everything. A couple decades later I tried to revisit him and just couldn't figure out what I was so wild about back in the day. . . . I don't think he ages well.

Carol Ann Weaver said...

This is EXACTLY the conclusion I came to after this FIFTH book. He never matured as a person! Therefore his books can be surfacy to us. Especially, WOMEN, who grow more deeply in their relationships!

He was STUCK in the teenage phase and resorted to just being a macho man who just didn't GET it. No wonder he was married so many times!

Friday Freewrite Fifteen

My timer is set for fifteen minutes. It is actually a Friday. When I first started doing these freewrites (too many years ago to remember), ...