Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Wednesday Freewrite - Christ Has No Body Now But Yours

“Christ has no body now but yours. 

No hands, no feet on earth but yours. 

Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. 

Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. 

Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. 

Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. 

Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”

I am embedding my first video in the new Blogger. So we will see how this goes. This was a poem that Jeannette read on Sunday at our First Exercises night from Teresa of Avila. Then Isaiah told me about this video set to it. It is so moving and beautiful.

I was so disturbed this morning. I had listened about a retired black police officer who was guarding his friend's store, and they shot him and someone filmed him dying, not offering to even help. Then, they posted it on Facebook. My heart was broken. 

I walked up Glen Eden Hill, and I just played this song, and there was a peace that just washed over me. I am grateful. I held my arms out to heaven, and I didn't care who watched. 

Truth be told, I have "snooze" a bunch of people for the next 30 days. There is a lot of pontificating. I am trying to remain positive. I am trying to ask how people are doing. I am just trying to be his hands and feet. I was sound asleep the other night when my friend called me at 11:30 pm, terrified with smoke filling the air, rioting, breaking of property, surrounding her house, Police SWAT teams moving in. I stayed on with her for 45 minutes until the smoke cleared and arrests were made. 

Do people not see what is happening?

Then I heard a wonderful 80+-year-old black man from the civil rights movement of the 60s who has started this wonderful organization that goes into communities and works with the people to lift people out of poverty. I was so encouraged. He said:
He argues that most government spending on poverty alleviation is misdirected. “Seventy percent of the money spent on poor people goes not to poor people; it goes to those that serve poor people. And so they ask not which problems are solvable but which problems are fundable. We’ve spent $15 trillion to aid the poor with the bulk of it going to middle class providers. We have created a commodity out of poor people and wonder why poverty expands as funding increases.”
I was so encouraged by one of our former TOAGers who married a wonderful man who is a police officer and happens to be black. He wrote a letter, from his perspective, saying that 98% of all white people are not racist, and he said we should be forced to say we are. He was great. 

I am so saddened by that retired police officer who was shot. I am so saddened by the man who was murdered by a police officer. I am so saddened by people who throw bricks and destroy property and run over police officers. 

But I had peace this morning as I walked up Glen Eden, and I will continue to walk. 

Then I came back to work on the copy for my website. I think it is pretty done. I am still debating about adding the stuff about the Enneagram. 

Then I had a directee for the Exercises, and that was fun. 

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