Sunday, June 07, 2020

Saturday-Sunday Freewrite

Love will never fails.

I love this song. I am listening to Porter's Gate Neighbor Songs, and it is so perfect for this week of turmoil in our nation. So many have died.

I started this yesterday but I never finished it so I will do this now. 

I am wanting to do an Examen Prayer from my Saturday. 

I woke up WAY too early. I cannot remember why. Was I hot? So I embraced it. I even watched some episodes of Suits and then got to my time with God. 

It was the "Healing Examen" from The First Spiritual Exercises: Four Guided Retreats. I reviewed the last month looking for times where
  • I was blind, deaf, dumb, or living a half-life, and where I have blinded or stolen the voice of another.  
  • I was paralyzed by illness, a life situation, sinfulness, or fear, and where I have paralyzed another.
  • I was tormented by demons, hurting myself, and where I have demonized another.
  • I am dead, drained, grieving, or entombed, and where I have taken life from another. 
It ended with a resolution to seek healing through the path of adjusting lifestyle, seeing a counselor or spiritual director, bringing wounds to Jesus in prayer, take any needed healing action for myself or others I may have hurt. The last suggestion was one small act of healing in the next month. 

This was lovely. I went for a walk because the sun was out. 

One of my "in the future" for applying the Enneagram to myself and my practice of Spiritual Direction was to write inner work journals for each type. So I did that yesterday. 

Then, George asked to go for a walk, but I said let's wait and ride our bikes to the Corvalis High School Graduation Parade. So we rode our bikes and cheered on the graduates, including Kay! We knew a lot of the people in the parade. The cherry on top was running into Katherine, and we were with her for about an hour at the parade. Also, John patched in from Kosovo! That was so life-giving. 

Then I came back and fine-tuned the inner work journals and watched some more Suits. 

Then, we went to the Crescent Valley Graduation Parade. That one was easy because it was at the end of our block. I Facebook lived the event. 

Then I came back and did some work on the journals. I fell asleep by 7:30 because I woke up so early.

What was life-giving: Cheering on the graduates and going through the questions in The Wisdom of the Enneagram. I have always wanted to get back to those after I read the book. Now I made these journals. Next, I will do the exercises for my type. 

What was deadening? Nothing yesterday, but I will say that I woke up this morning to yet another person pontificating about their position. Only this time, it was on a business website, and it was laced with profanity, and I thought that just was not very professional. So I left that person's business group. I didn't really fit on the page anyway. So, I don't think it is a big deal. I realize that if something hurts my soul or is deadening to my soul, I need to just walk away from it. 

Well, there you go. Perfect timing. Freewrite fifteen minutes is over. 

Now on to pray for my beloved Corvallis.

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