Thursday, April 10, 2014

Psalm 88:1-2 - Shouting Out to God for Relief


O Lord, the God of my salvation, 
I have cried out by day and in the night before You.
Let my prayer come before You; 
Incline Your ear to my cry!


O YAHWEH, the God who saves me,
I have shouted out to You pleading for relief  by day and at night I am in Your presence [Luke 18:7].
Let my prayer come before You and really enter into Your presence;
Pay attention and listen to my cry!


I am not in any distress, but that can turn on a dime at any time! I definitely been in those kinds of times where I cried day and night. I want to really enter into God's presence today as I pray and listen. I keep doing Bible Study and what I really need to do is have my listening time!!!!! :) Time to start as soon as I press this button! No joke. Ask me if I actually had the time. 

(PM Update: It did turn on a dime. I had a very distressing afternoon. Not my own drama, but it is someone else's, and it made me so distressed. It makes sense now what God told me this morning.)

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