Thursday, April 17, 2014

Good Morning Freewrite

It is not Friday Freewrite days, but I do not care. I slept in until after 8 am today because I stayed up really late last night working on things I really enjoy. So, I am up this morning with a smile on my face and a song in my heart, and I want to tell the world about it.

I had a good day yesterday. Full but good. Got up and had Genesis 3 time (not the cheeriest chapter but has hope in 3:15), listening time, off to Dr. Myers, took his prescription to Hangar's for a new heel lift (only 12.50!), library, and then Nancy called me to go for a walk. So we walked up the hill behind her house (in a stroll as per doctor's orders). Came back and met with Sue about the new Kingdom Community starting at the end of June. (Call us crazy, but I think God wants us to do it. So, here we go again! :)

Then I corresponded regarding going to the financial class with a friend that I am helping but felt God saying that another woman needed to take over in the helping department, and I was free.

I took a bit of a break to watch the news and read up on cities we will be visiting in Europe. 

Then, I prayed through and tweaked the schedule for the new Kingdom Community, and I like it! It still needs some more refinement, but I have no problem with it. I worked on it from 8 p.m. - 2 am. Thus why I slept until after 8 am this morning.

I woke up to an email with some resolution for a friend. Tough times ahead, but I think progress is being made. 

So I am up enjoying a bowl of Nancy's yogurt and blackberries. YUM. God bowled me over as I took out the recycling and saw the apple blossoms in full bloom on our tree. When did that happen? Times and seasons. 

I am undone with His presence and love this morning. 

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