Saturday, January 05, 2013


I lead a accountability group called "FACED." It helps us keep each other accountable for weight goals and balance in our busy lives. I reorganized my goals according to the FACED format:

I made up 15 goals for the New Year in all the categories:

FOOD (Love the Lord your God with all your STRENGTH)

1)      800 calorie deficit - Reach weight landmarks for Valentine’s Day (Insurance weight), Spring Break (100lbs + 5 lbs for every inch over 5 feet + 10% for a large frame = -5 lb from insurance weight), Memorial Day (Weight for half way between medium and large frame -8.5 lb)

ACADEMIC (Love the Lord your God with all your MIND)

2)      Read 52 book broken down with 14 from Invitation to the Classics List (see below for remaining books) + 2 from church readers group + 1 from classics book club + 6 early reviewers books + 29 “free books.”

COMMUNION (Love the Lord Your God with all your HEART and SOUL)

3)       Praise, intercession, and supplication walks (combined or separately)
4)       BBC posts Acts, 1 Corinthians-Revelation (70 with 1 post per pound lost until maintenance), Messiah Meditations, and Jesse Tree/Advent Meditations
5)      Romans with Rachel (and maybe Stephanie formerly of Seattle!)
6)      Campus Connection Wednesday – Meet with Kathleen, attend International lunch, meet with other women interested in going overseas
7)      Theophostic Thursdays – 1-2 counseling appointments a week

EXERCISE (Love the Lord Your God with all your STRENGTH)

8)      Daily back exercises/6x cardio/2x weights/1x Pilates per week
9)      2400 calorie burn through household tasks rather than sitting

DAILY CARE OF FAMILY AND HOME (Proverbs 31 applied)

10)   Upstairs painting and floors (Summer)
11)   Declutter and clean all closets/cabinets/drawers/garage
12)   Paul’s Senior Pictures (April-May)
13)   Picture Processing on 1st Saturday of every month
14)   Dependence Dates (wait for God to provide the money) – 2x month
15)   Frugality toward 2015 - monthly money put away for our 25th trip!

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