Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Morning Freewrite

Well, much of the stress of the last few weeks are really over. H. is happy with the decision for me not to go to Washington, D.C. with her and her mom, decisions about our summer have been made, and the Abilities, Heart Passion, and SHAPE review and affirmation weekend are OVER! I loved this weekend, but I didn't realize how much it was pressing hard upon me!

I am so wiped. I am not sure if I will be going to church today. We have a going away party for Heather at Corey's house today at 3 pm, but that is all. I plan on just enjoying the day. It should be a good one with nothing pressing over me except the usual picture albums that I am behind in and papers that need to be filed. YAY!

My back survived the weekend even though I slept in a difficult bed. I missed my Tempur-pedic though! It was fun to sleep in the Cottage Room on the couch, but I could tell I had to be really careful and not make too many moves or my back would be toast. I looked forward to my time in there in the morning, but when I came out of the shower, my room was occupied by someone having time with God. I was a bit disappointed, but I just went out in the living room. I didn't need to do too much prep. time for time of teaching, but it was a more public place. So, people wanted to talk. 

I need to write down how the weekend went:

Friday night - Peacemaking
8:30 - 9:00 Breakfast
9:00 - 9:45 Prayer through Psalm 139
9:45 - 12:00 
12:00 - 1:45 Lunch and walk 
1:45 - 
        - 5:50 Affirmation in Personality that contributes to the team

I'll look in my notebook and fill this out later. :)

I walked three times outside yesterday, but it resulted in a big pollen hangover this morning. So, I think I need to stay inside today for most of the day. I do need to go to the club and exercise though. I haven't burned a sweat in two days, and that always makes me have hot flashes. :)

Well, the bell is going to ring. Listening to The Ascent of George Washington as I make my chai tea this morning. 

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