Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Divine Presence

I haven't been writing as much here because I have had some back problems that are directly related to sitting too much. The retreat last weekend did me in. I sat too long in one place. My back has been perfect for the last two weeks because I have gotten up every twenty minutes and walked for two minutes (at least) and broke up my day with work around the house. Last Saturday, I led the last retreat for our Kingdom Community. It was a lot of relating while sitting. So, pretty much from 8:30 am - 6:30 pm I sat (other than two breaks and lunch that included walks). TOO MUCH.

So, I am taking back my body and walking more today.

All that said, I had to write. I am wonderfully feeling the covering of God in this moment. I love it when I can stop and pause and give praise. I know that He is with me in this moment. I am aware of His peace and presence as I write this, and I want to give testimony that He is, indeed, real and active in the lives of men and women around the globe. 

Cannot deny it, and I gotta' shout it. 

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