Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Wednesday Freewrite

I can do a fifteen-minute freewrite before my timer goes off for the first rise of my french rolls that I am bringing for Christmas dinner (or really it is lunch). 

I had such a lovely devotional in Pray as You Go this morning:

I am listening to it again as I type. It has more formal music at the beginning: a choir of voices.

Yesterday was just so lovely. LOVELY! I woke up to making bad coffee for Dania, but she still drank it. It was so lovely to have Dania and Zahra here. I love them so much. They taught me an Arabic phrase: Bad Gel Be which means literally "my heart runs toward you." 

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Then I took Zahraa to Starbuck's to study for her math class. Dania and I went on to Katherine and John's for a Christmas Eve brunch. Some of my favorite people were there. John gave me a thank you gift from their wedding: a picture of the four of us. What a journey they have been on - overcoming the lies to unite as one. BEAUTIFUL! I love them so much. I also loved having a long and deep talk with John about things they are thinking of. I also was prayed over by Jamie and Meredith. What dear people to want to pray over me - taking away the lies that were spoken to me recently. I do not usually choose to listen to lies from people, but it did happen. I took it all in and spread it out before the LORD, and I took the truths and prayed out the lies. So that was so good to do.

So, I rejoice this Christmas in wonderful freedom.

Then I said good-bye to Dania. SNIFF SNIFF. I left K and J's house so refreshed. Life-giving fellowship is the best. Then, the rest of the day was spent in rest and finishing my book and waiting for George to come home. Then we got into the car and went to our lovely church. Do I not love Suburban Christian Church!

Silent Night by candlelight is the best. I am putting the video at the end because I cannot seem to type under the video anymore. Blogger! Sometimes things just do not work. We came back from church and started watching It's a Wonderful Life. This is the first time in five (maybe six) we have not had someone over for Christmas Eve. So it was so nice to just be the four of us in the living room watching my favorite Christmas movie that GETS ME every time. Such a wonderful message of the value of FRIENDSHIP and that there is a reason for us being born. 

We ate our Costco lasagne and sparkling cider and watched the rest of the movie. Then George and I watched the Rick Steves Christmas Special with all the lovely music from all over the world. 

We processed some of the things that happened the day before yesterday and prayed through it before we fell asleep!

I am off to make my rolls! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day celebrating the birth of the SAVIOR!

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