Sunday, December 22, 2019

131. Slay by Brittney Morris

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This is a Book Babes selection, suggested to us because she is a graduate of our local Christian high school. 

The author is obviously borrowing from her own life as she was one of only a handful of people of color at this local high school. The main character is at a private high school in Bellevue, Washington, and she has created a video game called Slay which is just for black people. No one in her "real-life" knows she created and plays this game. 

It is a good first novel, but it did go on a bit too long on the video game aspects of her life. The book will generate a discussion about our obsession with virtual life that takes us away from real life. Interesting that I would read Fahrenheit 451 in the same week as I recall the wife of the main character and her obsession with the "screens." It will also generate discussion about race in America. 

I would put this in the Young Adult novel genre. Usually, I like these kinds of books, but this one left me a bit flat. I am fairly certain young adults would like this book, especially if they play video games. They would not be as lost (and sometimes bored) as I was when she went on and on about the game she created. 

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