Saturday, December 07, 2019

Saturday Sixteen Minute Freewrite

Yummy time with God this morning. I meditated on the Passover in my "Jesus' Family History" portion of the Spiritual Exercises (Week 12, Advent 1). Then I had some centering prayer time with words "Light" and "Lamb" interchanging. Thinking that Jesus came into the world as Light and exited as the Lamb. Profound moments in the light of my candle, and the lights on our tree. 

Last night was a colossal consolation time of sensorial delight. We went to the Corvallis-OSU Symphony Orchestra Holiday Concert. WOW! The music and singing were amazing. I would just close my eyes and drink it all in. I did it with my favorite men too. Good family time together. I love this life of living in the present moment and drinking it all in with all of my senses. I have learned to do that so much more in the last couple of years. I am so thankful. 

Yesterday was Friday. For years, Friday has been my day to have no agenda and no guilt over not "doing" anything. For many years, I would use it as my day to 1) love my neighbor by making someone bread, and 2) learn something new with in-depth research. I would like to resurrect that tradition of baking bread for my neighbors again. We have some new ones I don't think I have baked bread for, but I cannot remember where I left off. I think we probably have five new neighbors since I last did it. As for #2 above, I binged watched The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I do not like all the bad language on that show (there are more creative words to use than the one everyone seems to use so gratuitously these days), but I do like everything else about this show. It is a visual masterpiece and so artsy for a show. Networks just cannot do what these streaming entities do these days. It really is an amazing show and makes me sad that such a disgusting show won over it at the Emmies last year. I tried to watch it and could not even get through five minutes. YUK! 

It was a good day yesterday with the concert being my greatest consolation. Music is such a connection for me with God. I also have loved the Pray as You Go app Advent readings. Those Irish Jesuits are the bomb (not to mention I LOVE hearing them say "Isaiah" when they read Scripture from that book). Someday, I do dream of having a podcast for the Exercises. I pray for someone who knows what they are doing to just drop in my lap.

It must be sixteen minutes? What was my biggest desolation? I am not sure. I am feeling less anxious about the job situation. Paul is waiting on three interviews he did in the last week. Michael is applying for a new place in Eugene. So I am happy that they are moving forward. That still is the Christmas present I want most of all. 

There it is. BYE! 

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