Sunday, December 01, 2019

119. Dear Bob and Sue

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I really love the concept of them going to all the parks. I looked on their website, and they have pictures from every adventure. What a great idea to do as a couple.

They are incredibly clever and funny people.  I would love for my husband and me to do this (actually our kids too). I think if my husband and I did it, it would be more about the parks rather than our snippy interactions with other people and each other. The sarcasm between the two of them got a little old after a while. Some people try to be funny by putting each other down. It was funny, but then it got sad. I know they are hugely popular, but I think they could use some really good counseling because I think there are some underlying issues in their relationship. Just my opinion. I know many couples relate in this way, but it just makes me sad that they do. 

They are also pretty impatient with other people and very critical of them. I guess I am in the mode of seeing people in God's image rather than jumping to conclusions about them and being mean in thought and in word. 

But I would say that this is such a fascinating look at our great country. So I would say read it. 

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