Monday, December 30, 2019

Monday Morning Examen Freewrite

Sometimes I like to type out my Examen 

Review of Yesterday . . . Breathing and I am asking you Lord to be with me. Looking at my day with you. 

Grateful for: 

  • George! How lovely to just talk and talk and talk on Sunday morning. He has been so encouraging to me over the last few days, not afraid to process the hard stuff that I went through. He is purposely working in the living room rather than his downstairs office to be available to me as I recover from my heart-breaking thing. 
  • Family! I loved that my kids wanted to go and celebrate Teala's birthday with her.
  • Teala! We have 41 years of deep friendship. Happy to celebrate her 61st with her. 
Morning - It was not rush. It was calm. God was all over my review of the Exercises I have covered so far. God has freed me from the approval of man and led me to go forward. He wants me to "walk-on" to the call he has on my life. 

Mid-Morning - Talking with George about the wonderful corner I have turned. I am so grateful! 

Afternoon - Drive to Monroe to celebrate Teala's birthday. The conversation in the car with the family was so life-giving. I wished my brother a "Happy Sobriety Day" as it is 13 years of sobriety that day. I loved the place Teala suggested for lunch. The vibe is so upbeat. We thought it must be believers as it is so positive. We ate and listened to Teala's talking. She has a major homelessness problem near her sorority. God what can be done?

Evening - Came back and finished Man in the High Castle. The ending just ended with no closure. That was weird! I read it in the same room as George so we could process. He wrote his cover letter for a job. 

End of the Day - I needed to exercise so I watched a show on the Police Crisis in American (disrespect). Should I bake something and bring it to them? I danced so I could reach my exercise goal. 

Regret - Letting things creep back in that I had laid at the feet of Jesus that morning. I lay it down, Jesus. It was the least ever, but I want to practice Phil 4:8 - whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely. 

Meaningful - Grateful for friends like Teala. We have grown up together in the Lord. What do you want me to know about that Lord? 

I ask for the grace to see you, God, in the next day. What can I do to LOVE more? Pray for key people and pray for the world. Be open to having Manar over. 

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