Monday, December 09, 2019

Monday Freewrite

It is interesting that Paul does his freewrite at the end of the day, and I do mine at the beginning. I have the hardest time doing anything at the end of the day. I am a slug. I should just go to bed at 8pm every night. That would be great, but I would rise at 2am if I did that, and that would just be too weird.

I made some decisions this morning. I WILL lead M though the Exercises. It will be the shorter 18th annotation, and my guide is the 19th annotation, but I figured this would be good to do a shorter guide for people. I think that might fit others' lifestyles more. It would "ease" then into the Exercises. The 19th is a lot to take in (even though it was so GOOD for me - but I had been doing Ignatian contemplation for 36 years when I fell into the entire Exercises - so it was not as much of a culture shock as it would be for some people). She is a little nervous, and I can understand. It is being forced upon them all. They have no choice. It is required for their completion of the training. I am exempt since I have already been through them twice and am trained to lead others through them. One of the women was concerned because she had budgeted to pay for the Spiritual Direction training, and this is an added cost. 

Today, I thought I had a doctor's appointment, but it is not until Wednesday. I am not sure I need a back adjustment either. I had some pulling in my serratus posterior inferior, but I had this great idea to do a trigger point release on my psoas, and it totally released it! It had been annoying me for about a week. I must remember to do that. I did it so much while I was convalescing from my broken leg, but I just forgot about this. 

In Week 13, Advent 2, I meditated on Samuel going to anoint David is 1 Samuel 13. It brought me back to a memory when someone complimented me on the way I looked at a party after our senior prom, and I remember being so uncomfortable. The verse that sticks with me is from this passage . . ."Do not look at his appearance of the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7). Is this not so true. "Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD shall be praised" (Proverbs 31). That is what I want for my life. Not looking at the outside but the inside.

This season has been lovely. I always like LESS activity and more devotion during this time. I am so glad I have a FREE day today. I am going to 

1) Finish  Half of a Yellow Sun and make headway in Salt Houses
2) Not overeat
3) Pray for jobs for the guys. I have so much HOPE lately. I wake up so convinced any day now. There is a big blessing coming.
4) Schedule my SE appointments with M, A, K SD with G, N, E, and B. I must get things on the calendar. 

This January-June is going to be busier:
  • Enneagram Studio E in PDX through May (Mon night)
  • OSU Pilates Classes T/Th through June
  • Dial a Book 2x a month (Wed)
  • Spiritual Exercises 4x a month through May
  • Spiritual Direction 4-6x a month (N likes 2x and do an occasional one with R and N)
  • Spiritual Direction School in Boise Jan, Mar, May (Thu-Sun) 
  • Renovare Book Club (Wed - 1/29, 3/18, 5/13)
  • Missional Community 2x/month (Thur)
  • Book Babes 1x/month (Thur)

The Russ Hudson class will be over by December 18th. Whew!

I had a talk with someone at my church about the leaving of their old church. Suburban is such a refuge for so many of us weary from the road we walked down in our old churches. I even named it spiritual abuse to this person, and she said she wanted to hear my story. I could write a book about it. I know there is a book called The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse. So, no need to reinvent the wheel. 

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