Friday, December 27, 2019

Friday Freewrite

George and I went for a long walk yesterday and prayed. There was a dog that kept barking at us and following us as we walked down a street. The owner kept calling nicely for their dog, but it eventually jumped on me. I have no judgment, but George tried to get it to stop and was firm. Then I was very firm, and I think he finally went back to his owner.

As we were praying later on in our walk. We felt led to pray against the enemy, and George got the picture of the dog that just would not leave us alone. Just as we needed to stand firm against that dog that would not leave us alone, we need to do the same with the attacks that we (I) received last week. I don't need to defend myself, I just need to be firm and tell the enemy to "go home"! Firmly. 

My picture was of the grit in the bathtub that my mom insisted I left on purpose to spite her. I saw clean living water coming and washing the grit out. And me taking a deep luxurious bath. 

It was so much better the rest of the day as I watched documentaries about The Sound of Music and Julie Andrews. 

Then, George initiated us all going out for a hike to Bald Hill. We tried to get to the top, but it was really muddy on the steeper trail so we took the flat trail around the base and into the farmland. I so enjoy just hanging with these three gentle giants of men. They are my peaceful, happy place. 

After this, we went to my other happy place: the library! Then on to Applebee's for a nice dinner. 

I love it when George initiates family time. I wanted to go away to the coast or the mountains, but they don't seem too keen to do so. So I am content staying at home and just having relaxed family time together. They want to be home to enjoy their new Christmas gifts, and I can totally respect that. 

Still basking in the glow of one of the most peaceful Christmases ever. I feel like even though the things that were told me were difficult (and primarily false), it helps me to have a much better handle on what I am dealing with. I have a better perspective of what I am up against instead of not knowing what the issues were. Today I was able to look at personality type and see more what the basic fears and motivations might be. That was so helpful. Since I am not that type, I can see what road of false self has been taken and why I might rub them the wrong way. 

You know better. You do better. It is that simple. 

Well, I am off to prepare for my day. I might just go to the abbey to pray. I don't want to take away from family time though. I don't think it is going to work to go up to Washington to meet Patty half-way though. This is usually my low-key time, and I am already going to Portland on Sunday for a baby shower. Unless I go on to Longview on Sunday night to Monday and come back on Monday night. That could work. I must think it through. 

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