Thursday, December 21, 2006

Bummer. I did a whole post and lost the thing. I am at 14 posts this month! So, that means I have broken my previous record of most posts in one month! I have more posts this year than any other year.

Slept In
Read Bible
Studied Ephesians
Walked with Cathi and Jess (She lives RIGHT on the edge of Peavy Arboreteum trails!)
Talked with Cathi and Jess
Bought Steamer, scones, and cinnamon rolls (for St. Lucia Day) at Jamocha Jo's
Entered more books in my library
Found out my Thumbelina and Little Mermaid books are RARE and worth bucks!
Visited TrapdoorSociety.

Now, I am off to The Pursuit of Happyness with Teala, Shelley, and George.

Bye Bye for Now!

I plan to cry. :)

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Friday Freewrite Fifteen

My timer is set for fifteen minutes. It is actually a Friday. When I first started doing these freewrites (too many years ago to remember), ...