Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Life at the Tail End of the Whirlwind

I've been praying through and reviewing our last seven months. I really liked it, but it was a whirlwind of weekends and activities going back to Patty's Birthday Bash and JIQ in Seattle! I see we/I gave a personality seminar to the Haiti team, went to Mob conference in Arizona, lots of birthday parties, Thanksgiving and Christmas regular festivities, ATC and CPM conference in Arizona, Portland ConneXion Conference, ETU at Suburban, Pastor's Prayer Summit in Cannon Beach, Perspectives grading,going to some of the classes, and hosting visitors, Michelle moving to town, Geo's M team retreat, Elder/Staff Retreat, vacation at the coast, conflict coaching, Beaver Freezer, speaking at women's retreat, , meetings about next year's TOAG, speaking at Northwest Hills parenting teens class, JIQ. Organizing the Listening Prayer Seminar and hosting the Winships. Now, Theophostic Prayer Ministry Training facilitation through August.  I'm also meeting with women about TOAG and doing assessment interviews. These are ALL things I LOVE to do!!!  :) Happy Dance.

Also, the regular things we/I do: Bible Book Club, Book Babes, Book Dames, Dial a Book, Piano, Jesus Community, Iliad and Odyssey class, weekly with Jane, Elizabeth, and Samira, monthly with Jennifer, periodically with Michelle, Shelly, and others.

It has been a very full seven months. I am really glad we did not do TOAG this year!  You are good. I love everything that we are doing, but I see some time ahead because I am done with Perspectives grading (about 1-2 hours a week) and Homeric Literature and Anatomy and Physiology class (5 hours a week).

Today I meet with Kim, and this is just pure joy. We get to do it about one time a month. I am getting that with Teala and Ginny and Lorraine, and that is water to my soul. I love it!  These are those who "fill me up"! I love our time together, Lord too. It has been sweet. I am looking forward to seeing all that you will do in and through me in the days and weeks to come.

Thank you for health (physical, emotional, spiritual) and family and friends. I am very grateful for all that you give me.

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2024 Reading Wrap Up

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