Monday, June 14, 2010

Peace Like a River

I had a very good weekend. The ickiness of Thursday/Friday led way to a Saturday morning drive in the sunshine to see Ginny and Lorraine for breakfast, sharing, counsel, prayer, and lunch at a new Bistro for Reuben Sandwiches. They gave me such great insight and counsel and prayer for peace for me.  When I got home, George and I shopped together and ran errands and talked. Then we took a nice walk as the sun was going down.

Sunday, I went back to Suburban after a three week absense, and I realize how much I have missed! I love Steve Lee's preaching. He is annointed. I love the love there and the atmosphere of acceptance. I was able to reconnect with many people from the 11 am service, and it was lovely.

After church, we took another walk, I read in the backyard, and Elizabeth came for a Glen Eden walk and dinner in the backyard before the TOAG girls came over for pie, snacks, and NEWSIES! They have been telling me that I need to watch it, and it was very fun to do so. Laura and Stacy stayed talking until 2 am. Love those girls. I love this younger generation of 20-somethings. They are just a great generation. I have such high hopes for the future with many of these men and women we have been privileged to get to know this year.

After they left, I had to finish Nietzche just to be rid of the man forever. ICK! I was going to read C.S. Lewis' autobiography, Surprised by Joy just to go from darkness to light in my reading, but I am crazy and decided to read another crazy German named, Hitler, instead. I am weird, but I just want to get him out of the way and read Lewis while on vacation. :)

I started out writing this to say that I have so much peace after wise counsel from Ginny, Lorraine, Teala, Debbie, Patty, Kim, and of course, George. They were unanimous in their counsel about what to do in my current situation, and I woke up this morning so peaceful. I just need to pray for protection and trust that God will allow things to proceed with much grace and love.

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