I have written so much in this blog in the past couple of weeks! This is definitely the one that I skip the most. Bible Book Club is my priority, and I do most of my writing there.
I woke up AGAIN with a splitting headache! I do not know what this bug is, but it is weird. It doesn't TOTALLY lay you flat, but you feel pretty crummy, fatigued, achy, and have a headache. I keep thinking it is all in my mind, but it isn't going away.
The good news is that I fell asleep right away last night and didn't wake up until about 5:30 am. The two night previous, I had a headache, so I couldn't go to sleep until drugs kicked in, and then I slept until after 10 am! I don't like starting the day so late. So, this is nice to wake up early this morning, even if it is with a stupid headache.
George is doing the devotional at church today. So, I feel like I should go and listen to him speak! I don't know what to do. I also don't know if I am going to be leading a Spiritual Gifts and Personality workshop today with the Campus Crusade ladies. Oh the anxiety! NOT! I could do those two seminars in my sleep (practically).
One thing that has slid with this sickness is my Bible Book Club posts. I started strong with this week with a great post on marriage on Wednesday and meat on Thursday. I got up Thursday and found a lovely reflection by one of my spiritual mentors, Kay Arthur. I had every intention to get back to doing the background, and the sickness set in on Thursday toward the end of Buck's parents being here for dinner. I was too sick on Friday to do the Saturday post either.
I have read though, and that has been nice. I wonder if I just pushed myself to hard this week in my Well-Educated Mind studies at the expense of the Well-Watered Soul. I don't know.
Wednesday night was poignant. We had a late night talk after TOAG, and one of the people was so vulnerable and beautiful, and I am praying. So, in that respect, I feel like this week has been more about prayer than about my time in 1 Corinthians. Maybe it is just an application of some of what I have been reading in there. Probably so. All I know is that I care so much about these TOAGers that it hurts! They are a precious lot of men and women that I feel honored and privileged to know and love. I call them all friends. That is the joy of doing what we do. This has been such a wonderful year for us. I am SO glad we made the move to this versus what we were doing before.
I still love Bible Book Club too. What an adventure this has been for us. It has kept me so on my toes. I have always been pretty diligent about being in the Word, but it has forced me to be in the Word in places I haven't dwelt in very long, especially parts of Daniel and Ezekiel! I will say that the New Testament has been much easier for me, but even then, it is nice to approach if from a chapter by chapter angle versus doing an in-depth, inductive study.
Speaking of in-depth, inductive study. I am so tempted to do the Kay Arthur
Greece Study Tour from September 24 to October 4. It is so expensive though, and I am so frugal, but I still have not taken a trip in honor of my mother, and that was one of my goals after my mom's death since she took so many trips after my dad died. The alternative would be to take one with Rich Ross who has started a non-profit tour company. He took a seven cities tour with a group in May this year. We will see.
Well, I have gone on a little adventure looking at pictures of Rich's tour that just got back. It is time for me to decide whether I am going to church today or not. I still don't know if Steph is coming over for the gifts and personality talk. Hmmm??????
Like another wonderful essayist, William Hazlitt, Montaigne often takes a circuitous path, following the associations of his fertile, discursive mind, to touch upon all manner of things before coming back to his point(s) with new, expanded insights. Or to bring up other, entirely unexpected points. Again, he requires an attentive reader, and one not looking for a point, but patiently waiting for the next rewarding chunk of writing to come, as it always does.
In a frame of mind to focus and leave the world and its distractions behind, Montaigne is particularly sharp. Take, for example, this (among so many other passages), from the essay "On Cruelty":
"Virtue demands a rough and thorny road: she wants either external difficulties to struggle against ... by means of which Fortune is pleased to break up the directness of her course for her, or else inward difficulties furnished by the disordered passions and imperfections of our condition."
And this, from "On Repenting," capturing his straightforward honesty and self-assurance, without any self-aggrandizing pride:
"I have hardly cause to blame anyone but myself for my failures or misfortunes, for in practice I rarely ask anyone for advice save to honor them formally; the exception is when I need learned instruction or knowledge of the facts. But in matters where only my judgment is involved, the arguments of others rarely serve to deflect me, though they may well support me; I listen to them graciously and courteously--to all of them. But as far as I can recall, I have never yet trusted any but my own." (