Tuesday, June 05, 2007

In the quiet of the night freewrite

In the quiet tonight, I heard God whisper. It was lovely.

The last few days have been ones of peace. All together, I will have nine days in a row of no evening obligations, and I am already reaping the benefits of these nights. We had at least that many in a row the previous nine days. So, it is nice to bring my life back in balance once again. I am sensing more of an interior calling this summer. Oh yes, "outwardly," I will be still studying the Bible with Nourieh and doing Colossians on Wednesday nights and four weeks of "July with Joseph" with my "cream of the crop" women of Rachel, Kim, and Lisa, but I want to devote the remainder to being at home and being prayerful and reflective and staying close to my precious family. The last few days makes me see that they are the most special and wonderful people that I know. I love the men that my boys have become. More like there father every day. That is a very good thing.

I am wanting to be prayerful for many reasons. I have so many people who I want to be behind in prayer: Kim and Eric and Nancy and Co in Korea, short-termers, friends in crisis, churches in the area, leaders too, my neighborhood, my community. The skies the limit. I should have been a nun! LOL! Really NOT, but I have known for many years now that I need to feed my "interior" calling. Intercession and discernment are two of my spiritual gifts that I need to continue to cultivate and "fan into flame" (2 Timothy 1:6) those gifts he had given me.

Well, the silence is broken. My extroverted dear husband is home from the missions committee meeting, and I am being "talked" to. LOL!


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