Sunday, September 01, 2024

1 - Morning Pages

Since January 1, I have been doing most of my "morning pages in the designated journal from January to April (except when we traveled to Southeast Asia). Then, I used my Kindle Scribe until August 31. It is September 1, and I will write my morning pages on my blog. Julia Cameron says I should WRITE and not type, but she ain't my momma! I want to change it up and experiment with a different mode. I have written freewrites on here for years. Morning pages are similar to freewrites. So, here I go. 

I'll just do it for this month and see how I do.

I had a long talk with God over what has transpired over the last month or so. I cried more in August than I have in any other month in recent years. I took a good look at my summer consolations and desolations, and I realized some things about when I function well and when I falter. I even made columns for consolation and desolations. The good news is that there were three times more consolations than desolations! There were also definite patterns to both.

Consolation Patterns - friendship and connection with my family and friends. We had some gatherings here that were so precious. We spent long and leisurely time talking with friends. I also had such consolation with the spiritual direction of one-on-one directees. Also, walks in beautiful places. Learning new things. Kayaking on new waters (Great Lakes). Learning about a new place (Great Lakes). 

The Great Lakes Collection Cruise was definitely a consolation for me. The nature, learning, food, fun, etc. It was all there. 

The groups that I wrapped up leading/co-leading in May/June were pretty special: 2HC, ABC Supervision, Boller Year One, etc. It was a good year of group leading. 

Desolation patterns revealed that I don't like the pressure of having someone else determine my destiny, decide what I do, dismiss my ideas, deal unfairly, etc. 

It was good to look at this. One desolation was of my own doing: my back pain for the whole month of July. I functioned well on the cruise, but I made a big mistake by canceling my appointment with Dr. Myers because I thought I was better. I also brought it on myself by working too hard on all the documents in preparation for the 19th and 18th Annotations and OMS Retreat. Writing is a CONSOLATION for me but sitting to write them can lead to DESOLATION! Balance!!!!

There is the bell. I might lengthen the time I do this to 30 minutes because 17 was not long enough! 

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