Thursday, July 09, 2020

Thursday Morning Freewrite

I just set my timer for 15 minutes and then asked Alexa to "make my husband be quiet for 15 minutes." We both laughed. I just living with this man. He wakes up with warmth and generosity and a sense of humor. :) 

Well, this week's theme in Finding Christ in the World is "Sin in the World, Sin in Me." The grace I am praying for is "I ask God to reveal to me how He is grieved by what people are doing to one another and to ourselves." 

What a perfect theme for today's climate! Today's brief note is entitled, "Desire and the Influence of Others."  Some principles that I wrote down:

  • We disciples want to be aware who is influencing our personal desires.
  • Our desiring is naturally shaped by the influence of others.
  • We just have to keep reflecting on what we actually want and what we authentically want. 
  • We want to know about any pretty strong desire that is moving us - where is it coming from? And what is it leading to?
  • Discernment is applying our principles and our beliefs to everyday life by prayer and reflection, and a good dose of learning and talk with mature and holy friends; the "influence of others" we aim for. 
So that was a really good and challenging time with God, and I am still mulling over it deeply and lovingly with God.

On another note, I have had a busy week of spiritual direction. It has been so lovely to reconnect with some from the past, and I also had a surprise inquiry from someone who wants to do the Exercises in the fall! I also heard from N who started them thinking he could go through them quickly. It did not work for him. So now he is mulling over them slowly, and it appears that he likes it.

My website will probably be done in the next week or so. I am excited about that. Now I have to determine how often I can meet with people. 

I also had a really nice time with the Imagine Meditation with the Jesuits in Britain yesterday. I realized that my feet were carrying some pain and tension, but thankfully that had not traveled up my body to my back like it has done in the past. So important to stay in touch with the body that God gave me! (I want that to be a part of my website too.)  One of the people in my small group for Imagine, a lady who lives in Wimbleton, has terrible back problems, and I just wanted to reach through the Zoom screen and help her! But, of course, that is not my job. I just hate to see people in unnecessary pain, and I want to show them the techniques I have learned to get me out of pain. 

So, what else? I am still slowly making my way through Atlas Shrugged. What a slow-going book. I hear the last third is the hardest to get through though. ACK!

One last thing, I joined Weight Watchers! I have that 10-15 I gained while laying in bed and eating food given to me by generous friends. I got about 5 of it off at the beginning of the spring, but then I got busy and distracted, and LoseIt! was more a weight to me than a wing. So, I am trying this, and it is SO MUCH EASIER! They had a 55% off sale, and it was really reasonable, and I love how so many foods are free to encourage me to eat more healthy things. I can already see a big difference, staying away from the low-nutrient but high-calorie foods. It has been great. 

Well, there is my 15 minute timer. BYE! 

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