Monday, November 14, 2016

40. Beyond Loneliness: The Gift of God's Friendship by Trevor Hudson (Renovare Book Club)

This has been a gem of a book that I am reading for the Renovare Book Club. We are reading and discussing four books between October and June, and this has been life-giving balm for my soul. One of my goals this year is to have more time with people my own age with deeper conversation, and it has been so nice to interact with the people online. I also met with a woman from Oregon two weeks ago to discuss the book. She is willing to drive down here for our next discussion time over Thanksgiving break. I think she is hungry for deeper conversation too. 

I was thinking that the title is not really descriptive of the book, and I tell people that the subtitle is so much better: The Gift of God's Friendship! I really think the current title will discourage people from reading the book. Loneliness is part of the book and what motivates some toward friendship with God, but what if you do not struggle with loneliness (like me)? I would not have picked up this book based on its title if it were not for the Renovare Book Club.  

Friendship with GodThen, I listened to his podcast and come to find out that the title in South Africa is Friendship with God: How God's Offer of Relationship Can Change Your Life but the book publisher in the States said Beyond Loneliness would be a better title for Americans! NOT! I disagree.

So, do not let this title discourage you from reading, and if you do struggle with loneliness, it will help you too!

I love it because it talks all about relationship with God and also God's destiny for you out in this big wide world. It isn't about inward focus and this little exclusive friendship you have with God. I really, really love this book.

It seems simple and even basic for many who don't struggle with relationship, but the friendship exercises have been lovely no matter where you are on the journey. If you read my blog, you know what happened when I did one of his supplementary exercises (I am still asking for permission to post the PDF here for his supplementary stuff he is making available to the Renovare Book Club so stay tuned!) Here is that post if you do not read my blog on a regular basis:

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