Saturday, June 13, 2015

I forgive

Forgiveness is such a beautiful thing. It is what Jesus did for those who were crucifying Him. It is the least we can do for others. A woman I worked with through almost three years of very painful abuse from her husband said how important forgiveness has been for her journey and something she wished she had learned sooner rather than later. I have found that I can educate on this, but it is a choice on the other person's part that cannot be rushed or forced upon them. God has to work the forgiveness in them. It is beautiful that she reminded me that one thing I need to do is provide a safe environment for the person to forgive as I am counseling people. His kindness leads us to that. I gently and safely lead, but I cannot make a person drink the peace that forgiveness brings to the soul. 

So, I am going to put these two readings forth.

1) The chapter on forgiveness in Healing Life's Hurts by Ed Smith: 

"Releasing Those Who Have Hurt Us"

2. This lovely article is on my other blog called the Bible Book Club. It is related to the Genesis 50 and Joseph's forgiveness of his brothers and it in the APPLICATION section of this post:

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