Monday, March 09, 2015

3. Contagious Disciple Making by David L. and Paul D. Watson

I like Miraculous Movements by Jerry Trousdale that covers much of the same information here only in an international setting. (I had dinner with Jerry in January, and he is a delightful individual!) This is very similar only it does go into more detail about the disciple making process.
Most of this book has basic information about disciple making that has been covered in books before it with one significant difference, David and Paul Watson make a case for discipling people in their networks which goes along with the research from Greg Ogden's book Transforming Discipleship: we grow in groups more than we grow in one-on-one discipling relationships. (A drum I have been tapping for years!) 

This book's uniqueness is that it goes beyond disciple making methodology to looking at the big picture of reaching the world. I like that. I particularly like the chapters on "Prayer" and "Church".  David Watson is also someone who has seen disciple making movements happen all over the world. He is worth being read, and this is straight from him rather than from someone who is reporting on the results of his methodology. 
Sometimes, he gives you the impression that he invented "true discipling" and that he created some of the tools they use. One example is S.P.E.C.K. for making "I will" statements. I learned this term in 1978 while in the Navigators. "I will" statements, while called "application" in the Navigators, have been the hallmark of the Navigators for years. Accountability in "obedience-based" discipleship is also nothing new, but I like that David Watson has been the champion for it even though he did not invent it.  I don't think anyone knows who coined the SPECK acronym, but the authors sound like they are saying, "this is what we do because we invented it" rather than saying, "this is a tool that has been around for many years, and it really helps people make an "I will" statements. 
While I like Miraculous Movements more because it explains the methodology via exciting stories, this one has examples in a North American setting and might be easier for a pastor to implement in his church. This one also goes more into detail about developing leaders and being a mentor which I appreciated. If you have never discipled anyone before, this would be a very good basic book to help you get started. Its real strength lies in going beyond discipleship to starting a disciple making movement which is very exciting and strategic. 
There was one particular paragraph regarding people who come to Christ and are pulled out of their silo (affinity group, network, oikos) and no longer have influence there. I will quote it without giving my opinion until after:
In our opinion, Satan is at work in these extraction methodologies. Satan encourages the use of extraction evangelism and discipleship strategies because these strategies do not take silos into serious account, and the result is the "winning" of one at the loss of the rest of the family, community, or silo. These are good odds for Satan -- he will encourage us to win one and lose ten or more as a result of these methodologies. Most of us play into Satan's hand, thinking we have done something great by "winning" one, when what we have really accomplished is the losing of a family, community, or silo as a result of extraction strategies. (p.108)
I can see that it goes against the philosophy of disciple making movements. I agree that it is not strategic, but it is certainly not Satanic. Get real! 
But do not let that little bit turn you off. It is a valuable book because disciple making is part of maturing in Christ. We need to mentor and be mentored. I love that part of the book!
Here is a little handout I adapted from their material that gives you the "nuts and bolts" of facilitating groups from not-yet followers of Jesus to leaders. Gather a group (silo, affinity network, family) and facilitate discovery through four different studies today!

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