Friday, March 21, 2014

Hebrews 4:14-16 -- Bold Access Through the Sympathetic High Priest


Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.


What is the "therefore" there for? 

The writer of Hebrews has just been talking about the Sabbath rest (the spiritual rest we find when we come to Christ and take His gentle and easy yoke upon us, Matthew 11:28-30). Even though God has promised believers rest, some may not enter it because of unbelief. That is why we need to be diligent to enter it (Heb. 4:3) through belief and walking yoked to Jesus (Col. 2:6). We must be diligent because God's Word is heart-searching and eye is all-seeing (Heb 4:13).

The therefore is there because everything has been provided for us. He is exhorting the Hebrews to not go back to Judaism but to enter the rest provided and to the GREAT HIGH PRIEST who provides it. He has already done all the work for you to be right with God. So we are to be diligent to enter the rest already provided and hold fast to our confession of faith. 


Since Jesus as the Great High Priest has already allowed access to God through His death, resurrection, and ascension, let us continue to live out our belief in Him. For we do not have a High Priest who is unable to understand or sympathize with our weaknesses, but He was right here on earth facing the same temptations as us, but He did not sin. Let's go fearlessly and confidently and boldly to the throne of God's unmerited favor to us sinners, that we may receive mercy for our failures and find grace to help in our times of need.


In listening to God last night and asking Him what His assignment for me was, He said, "REST." He told me that when He tells me nothing to act on, He is indicating that I need to fully enter that rest and that is the rhythm He is teaching me of ABIDE-RIDE-WALK (PERSEVERE)-REST. It is a season of rest for a while Lord, isn't it? Waking up this morning and did the background study to these verse, He kept whispering, "Rest." 

I have a break starting as soon as the last person of 17 people leaves my house after dinner. I have been anxious about this as I do not think I have split peas for soup (dumb, I know), George is not available to help me with the preparations for people invading my house from 1 - 9 pm today, and I am ready for my vacation that starts tomorrow by a family trip to Ashland (and I have no energy to think about the fact that we only have the smaller car to drive all that distance with four people ranging in size from 6'2" - 6'8 1/2" and a husband who doesn't always think ahead about these things - Lord, it is even worse now that he is gone all week, and I am left to do most things here now), and I am determined to have a rest for the whole week. 

And to the verse, my weakness is resting. My weakness is obeying You when You tell me to rest and someone emails, phones, texts, or Facebooks me with a request for I get many each day (because I am realizing more and more that I am truly a CONNECTOR as the Strengthsfinder test indicates). Coupled with my other strengths of LEARNER, EMPATHY, ACHIEVER, and RELATOR but being an INTROVERT, I can get tired. I love my life. I love, love, love that I am moving and functioning in my gifting, talents, and strengths; but I am tired and am obeying Your calling me to rest for a season.

 I WILL boldly come to Your throne and ask You to meet every need presented before me and obey You by entering a restful period. You already opened the door for me to have the second half of Spring Break free (because God told Debbie not to come), and I need to not work during that time.  Technology makes it much easier for people to access me so I need to turn that off during the break (but still be available to my family). 

Jesus help and protect my time of rest. I need You to do that for me. I am weak. 

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