Sunday, November 09, 2014

Sunday Morning Freewrite

I was going to try to do more freewrites last week, but here it is Sunday morning, and I only did one last Monday.  Oh well.

I had felt very tired on Wednesday night and could barely make it through watching Survivor and fell asleep at 9 pm. I woke up sick and canceled my 10 am counseling appointment. 

Then I felt OK on Friday and Saturday, but I fell asleep at 9 pm last night and woke up at 12:25 am feeling that cold finally erupting. I had a very fitful night of sleep last night and am finally up now at 6:33 am with a cold. So, I sort of wish that I had rested on Friday and Saturday instead. I am not sure if it would have staved off the inevitable cold that has now arrived, but I knew something was lurking, but Friday was too wonderful for words.

I got up and went for a walk with one of the girls I meet with, and she is doing really well. We did some listening prayer that got to the root of some things, and she has gone home to processing it. I talked with another woman I have counseled with since last November as I drove up the 99 corridor. Then, I had a wonderful lunch, talk, and prayer with my wonderful mentor, Lorraine. We had not gotten together since August (maybe September?). Then, George picked me up there, and we went out to a deliciously quaint French restaurant in McMinnville! It was not even a special occasion other than we knew that I had to go to a wedding on Saturday, and he was meeting with Josh. We ended our evening by watching some Gilmore Girls together.

We got up, and I took a beautiful sunrise walk. Then when George got up, we took another one. Then, I found out that I did not have to go to the wedding after all! YAY! So I was able to get some work done for the Kingdom Community. Josh came over, and I tried to stay away from talking, but I ended up sitting with them toward the end. I feel bad that Josh did not feel really comfortable with our group last year, but he stuck it out and made some good friends! He is a great guy, but he was new to the area, and he did not know anyone. He wants to take our group over again because he did not really know what was going on and too busy with school to really put a lot of time into the homework. But he made it through.

Now, I am enjoying a cup of Perfect Peach tea with honey to feel better. I already took some cold medicine, and I really do feel better, but I know that is not what I am really like, so I am going to stay home from church and really rest! :)

I have to see if I can get together with Mandana on Thursday instead of Wednesday because I would like to go up to work with George on Monday through Wednesday. I hope Mandana can do that with me. :)

Boy this Perfect Peach tastes really good on my throat. Now on to "The Fall" practice. I think I love freewrites. 

Thank you, Julie, for introducing me to them. :) This is not a very interesting one, but it has prepared me for the day. I love early, quiet mornings before everyone is up.

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