Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Cup Runneth Over

The chai and whip brims over the cup
Michelle gave me for allowing her to stay
It is a deep purple with gold and green flowers
And a star at the bottom when I sip the last drop

My life is being savored one sip at a time
I drink in His presence, better than my chai
I clutch my hands around the warm purple and gold
And sip to the gold star at the bottom of the cup.

Life is golden
Yes indeed

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

2011 Carol365

3 - After 2.5 Hours of Sleep179 - Me and Dee at Mrs. B's Tea!178 - Photo for Library Thing177 - Idaho Team Comes Home176 - Four on the Gorge175 - Cabin Creek Trail Sawtooths
174 - Overlooking Sun Valley, Idaho173 - Rainbow Promise172 - Debbie's 80's Boom Box171 - Realignment170a - The Idaho Crew170 - Michael's Service Trip
169a - The Leaning Tower of Carol169 - Bed and Breakfast Getaway168 - Visit from Singaporean Friends!167 - Summer Soak in Samuel and Psalms166 - Wonder Worker165 - From the Yard
164 - Wedding Celebration163 - Pure Praise162 - Darkside Theatre161 - Training and Tacos Blitz160 - Dead Swallow159 - Celebrating Class Completion

2011 Carol365, a set on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Crazy adventure of documenting my life using a photo a day. I need ANOTHER project and goal. (Yeah, right)

Monday, June 27, 2011


It always takes me a while to recover from vacation! I am still dragging this morning, and this is our second day back. I have many things to do today:

1) Schedule consult and surgery for Michael's teeth (means two trips to Eugene)
2) Get Paul to orientation and registration for Fall at LBCC
3) Finish Judges 9 post for tomorrow and get ahead because next week is busy
4) Organize final Theophostic Training
5) Wade through papers and mail that piled up while we were gone

I also want to go work out and weight lift since I wasn't able to do it all last week in Idaho.

So, there is my day. :) Why aren't I seizing it like I usually do?

I think I can. I think I can.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Sighs

I am exhausted! I slept 9 hours last night, and I am still tired after 4 cups of chai and a pot of Boh. Time to not make any major decisions in life and just go with the exhaustion. Long road trip back from Idaho (11 1/2 hours of driving), interrupted sleep on all four nights of vacation, and not drinking enough water on the trail (no refill so had to conserve) and in the car (detest stopping for that). So, I need to hydrate and rest.

Good news: not one bit of soreness from the hiking.
Disappointment: not making it to the lakes on the trail (I think it was called the Cabin Creek one)

I think I was mostly dehydrated because I have been drinking lots of water since I started this post (30 oz.), and I am perking up!


I don't like feeling so sluggish when the sun is shining on a free day!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Shackleton's Incredible Voyage

I just read this book. It was my Book Babes Book Club list "to read" since it was one of four books that were read before I joined.

What an incredible book! I absolutely loved it. I listened to it on audiobook, and the man with the English accent made it so wonderful. I listened to much of it while I was exercising while I was recooperating from my back going out!  My pain is nothing compared to what these men went through. There attitudes were amazing! Their leader was a hero! I am so amazed!

I am so looking forward to seeing the mini-series with Kenneth Branagh!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Library Musings

Sunday with Teala was so good. We listened to worship music for many hours. It was so good to just immerse ourselves in worship for the afternoon. The last two mornings, I have immersed by listening to Hillsong.  I did that this morning. Then, I was supposed to meet with a Jehovah's Witness today at 9:30, but she stood me up. So, I called Elizabeth and met with her instead. It was good. Then, I met with George for lunch at Cafe Yumm.

Now, I am at the library. I picked up a book on Indonesia, and I don't know what our trip will look like, but I know the bike trip timing was definitely wrong. Paul has all these college readiness workshops that would have been during the time we were gone. So, one of us had to be here. So, YOU knew before we did. Thank you.

The trip will be more complicated on the ground because we have no plan or agenda. We won't have Brian N. to help us navigate or drive us around. It will be like an Amazing Race! I am excited and petrified in the same breath.

While here I have looked over our schedule for the summer, answered some emails, and disappointed some people by saying no which is something I rather enjoy doing these last five days (I am so healed since last Thursday on that one. I no longer dislike disappointing people because it means I am not disappointing God, and that makes me enormously happy. Seems so simple, but I no longer see the disapproving face, only the Lord's light flooding everything with His heavenly light). 

Now, I am listening to Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage. I really think it is so interesting and crazy of these people to think they could go on the South Pole and survive. I suppose they did because we wouldn't know the details of the story! I am really interested to see how they get themselves out of this situation. I am thinking that these people have one thing in common: TESTOSTERONE!

Well, I am now going to get to a few more things and then go and work out. Then work more on Bible Book Club, catch up on pictures, and schedule Michael's appointments for his teeth. 


Thursday, June 09, 2011

Life is Beautiful

I sit her at 12:30 am so happy and fulfilled with my life and ministry. It is a good season. I have this wonderful peace about all that is ahead.

I always start to write, and then I get sleepy. I guess this is my cue to go to bed then. :)  I had such profound thoughts, but they will say in my head as I go to zzzzzzzz.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Tuesday Freewrite

Lord, I was just telling Paul and Michael how well I have slept or over a month only have two nights ago be an 11 - 3 am sleep, and tonight, it is 1 am, and I can't get to sleep!

I think it might have been the Thai Tea.

I am doing much better. Much to pray for though.

I had lots I wanted to say, but I think I am finally getting sleepy! YEAH!

Peace OUT!

The House of My Mother: A Daughter's Quest for Freedom by Shari Franke

What a brave young woman! She tells this story so beautifully and with such conviction. I could not put it down. Her mother and the brainwas...