Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tunnels Beach Kauai Hawaii 2007 Matt Anderson Photography

We are looking for places to stay on Kauai for our 20th wedding anniversary. This beach is supposed to be the best snorkeling!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Wellness of Body

I am on a roll today. Just feel like writing down thoughts as they come to mind. It feels so good to sit comfortably the last two days. I didn't push it last night by sitting through a three hour movie though. That was good for me to say no to that because I had sat through church and the party at Noorul and Khairol's house. Both days I got up and did my moist-heat with the Thermophore pad (best purchase of 2010), back and hamstring stretches, and any core strengthening exercises I need to do from Parwana. I wasn't able to do that on Saturday before the morning of prayer, and I paid for it later on in the day. Once those little pain receptors in my back find friends to join them, I am all bound up. Better to be preventative and get the little ones smoothed out in the am after my night of sleep. 

So, I am in no pain and have no tightness. What is funny is the pain is very minor now, it is more "nagging" than anything. So, it fools me into believing it isn't that bad, but it really affects everything I do.

So, my body is well. I am trying to put good things in it too. :)

I also got a very good night of sleep last night. Too many late nights because of the Olympics and ministry things. All great things, but it was good to rest last night rather than go to watch North and South with the girls. I needed some down time at home with my sweetheart, especially since we have stuff Monday-Thursday night this week. :)

Filing Out My Life

This morning I transitioned the two file drawers in my kitchen computer area to the file cabinet in the office. I will bring the files that I file from opening the mail out here. It makes sense. I spend much more time out here than at my office, and I always open the mail out here rather than in the office. So, it will be a quick open and file, rather than a open, set on the dining room table, let it sit there, gather up all the piles, plop it in my office "catch all" drawer, put it in the "to file basket" and file having to get down on my knees to avoid straining my back. I don't know why I didn't think of this years ago. Oh well.

In the file next to me were old files related to homeschool and my online life of Edu-Anon and Trapdoor. I took a trip down memory lane, and I read old posts I had copied for archiving. It is so interesting to see the transition that most of us have made out of that. Tia's famous, "Moooom, are we there yet?" post that caused a little stir. The posts about transitions in theology. The posts about how much we have lost of ourselves through marriage and kids. Seeing where many are now, I know that this was because of what was happening in the spousal relationships at the time. So much has sifted out in that respect. So many divorces and transitions. It is mind-boggling to think about it.

It made me smile. It was all part of life in my 40's: elementary age kids, co-ops, teaching the basics, finding support for my own growth and education through Edu-Anon, Trapdoor. wisdom from moms who had high schoolers, tears, drama. All part of my life then.

I have transitioned somehow as I hit 50. My homeschool file cabinet is no longer needed, really. The basics have been covered. I have independent learners who only occasionally ask me for help. I facilitate and host a couple of group classes, but it is all through digital means, and I have no need for printing and filing papers for myself.

Trapdoor folded years ago (what year? I have forgotten). Friendships remain intact and some are so precious to me. I am so thankful for all in my life. The collective whole exhausted me though, but I am pretty sure I am at peace with all of them individually but have no desire to return to that collective whole that it morphed into after TDS closed down. I have nothing against it, but my real life collective whole has much less drama, and if it does, it is much easier to sort out and make peace than through the words we furiously type out on our keyboards.

Timer has sounded. On to filing out my life.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Holy Spirit Rain Down

Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down
Oh Comforter and Friend
How we need Your touch again
Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down
Let Your power fall
Let Your voice be heard
Come and change our hearts
As we stand on Your word
Holy Spirit, rain down

No eye has seen, no ear has heard
No mind can know what God has in store
So open up heaven, open it wide
Over Your church and over our lives

I was so touched by this song this morning. I used to listen to it when I would sit up in my "happy place" in my bedroom in Southeast Asia twelve years ago. God gave me such peace there. I had such confidence in knowing that He would accomplish what concerned me and would bring glory to Himself there. 

I feel that today too. Being around so many younger people today who are lacking in confidence about what God has for them, it reminds me that I was like that when I was younger also.  It helps me to empathize with them. 

You are so there, Lord. It was hard when our relationship was new, and I didn't know that I could trust you. Someone 24 just hasn't walked long enough to know that. The challenge for me is not to get so comfortable in our relationship that I get soft. I must press forward in trust. Believing you with wide-eyed wonder like I did when I was 24 only KNOWING beyond a shadow of a doubt that You will accomplish what concerns me. 

The LORD will fulfill [his purpose] for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever--do not abandon the works of your hands. (Psalm 138:8)

I lift my eyes to Your throne
Lord as I lose myself in You 
The song in my heart will be 
Yours alone 
My treasure is in the Cross Jesus 
I love to meet You There
I hunger and thirst for You 
Now flood my soul  

River of Love
River of Healing 
Holy Spirit flow
River of Grace 
River of Mercy flow 
River of Peace
River of Promise
Holy Spirit flow 
River of Joy 
River of Blessing flow

Jesus come again . . .

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Body Wellness

I have not talked about Body Wellness. I knew that my tendon laceration and subsequent pin being accidentally pulled out (causing me not to be able to exercise) would result in a weight gain, and it did!  I was at my ideal weight when I walked into my surgery on November 19. 

Now, I am over my ideal. :)  I am not going to let it discourage me, however. I had done so well at maintaining my weight over the last few years, this is merely a "bump" in the road with unavoidable circumstances. 

So, I started back with my BodyBugg logging and wearing it for calorie burn. 

I am doing really well already. :)

The House of My Mother: A Daughter's Quest for Freedom by Shari Franke

What a brave young woman! She tells this story so beautifully and with such conviction. I could not put it down. Her mother and the brainwas...