Thursday, September 28, 2023


Photo by Jo Heubeck & Domi Pfenninger on Unsplash



2nd Half Collaborative

Background: Every month, we are at a different "Station" in our journey:










Each month has a four week cycle:

1 - Learn

2 - Practice

3 - Reflect

4 - Share 

  • What did you notice about yourself as you engaged an unhurrying/slowing practice last week?

LOVED IT. I laugh because I think I have really slowed down, but I did errands with George, looking for things for a welcome basket for a new refugee family that has arrived, and George laughed. I am thinking I am just going along and patient - we went to seven stores looking for a wall clock! Once we found one (at the store CLOSEST to our house - LOL), we were walking out of the store, and George started laughing. Internally, I was patient and slow, but he said, "It is always more lively when you come along. You are so QUICK to make a decision about things. He loves to take his time with everything.  From my perspective I was slow, but his clock is very different from mine, and I am thankful. 
  • What insights emerged?
I love to slow down. I love to unhurry. Usually, in the 2HC, we do this unit in August. That is the slowest of all my months. So, it is easy then. Most of my directees are on vacation. September is never "SLOW"! So it was good to be slow in the midst of all that I had going on. 

I had a very full month, but I felt really good about slowing down. I think we hurry because we are fearful. I wasn't fearful or anxious about anything. I gave a two-hour talk to spiritual directors and trainers of directors, and they told me 9 a.m., but the person who took over put the time at an hour earlier! I just happened to look at the "Madrid" time and asked Siri what time it was, and I was 7 minutes late for a talk I was giving! I was still in my pajamas, but I didn't panic. I wasn't fearful. I did the whole Zoom presentation in my pajamas. I don't even think I brushed my hair beforehand. I just did it, and I wasn't afraid or hurried. I really enjoyed it. 

Preparing for that thing took over 100 hours, and I really didn't start it until after the 2HC retreat because I wanted to be fully prepared. I had a grumpy attitude about doing it at first. After I confessed, I went about it with slow joy. 

I also made sure I PAUSED in the midst of all my activities for Centering Prayer. When I committed to that, the time at work was so much easier. I took lots of walks and the kayaking with the SLOW FISHERMAN was delightful. I saw multicolored rocks in the water and BALD EAGLES on the shore! I had to stop a lot to wait for them. The stretch of river we took usually takes me 2 hours in a kayak, and it took 4!

I think I don't hurry as much because most of what I do is in line with my destiny and my cardboard sign: which I had hanging up on my wall. Along with the blessings given to me at the last 2HC retreat. One I really honed in on was from David, and he saw me as a CATALYTIC BUILDER of communities. So, everything I do is in line with that deepest desire and destiny God has given me. 

"Simplify your life over what really matters" John Mark Comer

If I am walking in my destiny, there is confidence, and lack of hurry, and indifference to people's approval. 

I am so much more indifferent to things than I ever have been. 

"Comparison just eats away at our joy." 

My family were high-achievers, but my dad never hurried. I never saw him stressed. He did everything with such joy. He had rhythms of rest. 
  • What encounters with God and others did a slower pace facilitate?
I could be fully present to others. 

Group - We have had two times where we started in Silent/Centering Prayer. WOW! God has opened that door miraculously. 

Tea with Dee was so fun!!
  • How was the quality of those encounters impacted?
Sitting in the Hellesto's backyard was so lovely. A joyful memory of the last month. Soul to soul time. 

Good encounters at the wedding of one of our workers. Stopping to celebrate well. 

  • What practice of “unhurrying” might the Spirit be inviting you to try out this week? (It is not a 2HC “assignment” to engage another practice, just something to consider between you and the Lord.)
Continuing in Centering Prayer. Committed to it even when I cannot make it to the group. 

  • In what ways has hurry influenced your life to date? How has it impacted you, your experience of life, and your connection with God and others?
I used to hurry all the time. Meditating on Romans 8 this morning reminded me of this. I read something I wrote several years ago about that time just this morning too. Scroll down to REFLECTION in the post. 
  • What invitation to slowing/unhurrying do you detect? What would need to change in your life rhythms to say yes to that invitation? What threatens to prevent you from saying yes?
Saying NO to the GOOD things in order to say YES to the BEST things. 
  • Recall Dallas Willard’s response to the question, “What do I need to do to become the me I want to be?” 
He said, “You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life. There is nothing else. Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day.” 
What area of your life might not give in to unhurrying without the application of some holy ruthlessness?

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