Sunday, May 24, 2015

22. Reflections on the Psalms by C.S. Lewis

For the first time, I purchased a Kindle book that has Whispersync  for voice. It goes back and forth seamlessly between the audio version and the book version. I read a little and then listened a little when I was walking. It was only $2.99 for both too. 

It was read by one of my favorite narrators, Ralph Cosham, whom I feel is already one of my best friends as he has read me many C.S. Lewis books in addition to Animal Farm, Watership Down, and David Copperfield

I have to say that I think Whispersync could get very addicting, and I am not usually one to BUY a book. I usually check them out, but it was on sale one day, and I had a book credit that I needed to use or I would lose it. 

Now to the actual book review. It is his "musings" on psalms organized according to topic and not the particular psalms themselves. At first, I did not like it, but part of it might have been that he started with the subjects of  judgment, cursings, and death in the Psalms! I walked along listening thinking to myself, "My, this is a cheery book!" 

Then he got to the subjects I like: "The Fair Beauty of the Lord" "Sweeter than Honey" (beauty of the Word), "Nature," "Praising," and my favorite, "Second Meanings" (referring to the prophecies of Jesus and such). 

It got very serendipitous because I was already editing the psalms in the reflection books I have been writing about the Bible. So, it was helpful.

I love C.S. Lewis. I love how he weaves in ancient literature of the time. It helps you see Psalms in the midst of the pagan cultures in which they were written. As I read many of this during my Well-Educated Mind journey, I can understand Lewis better and appreciate his brilliance!  

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