Friday, July 02, 2010

June was a BIG Reading Month

You can always tell when I am finished with homeschooling for the year, especially when I am done with the literature class, because my reading goes up!

I had two major milestones in that I completed the Medieval time period and the poetry genre of The Well-Educated Mind!

My list is on the side, but I thought I would add it here:

58. "Hyperion: A Fragment"
59. Endymion
60."God's Grandeur
61. "Pied Beauty"
62. "The Caged Skylark"
63. "The Windhover"
64. "Carrion Comfort"
65. "No Worst"
66. "The Wreck of the Deutschland"
67. "A Prayer for My Daughter"
68. "The Cap and Bells"
69. "Down by the Salley Gardens"
70. "Easter 1916"
71. "The Coming of Wisdom with Time"
72. "The Lake Isle of Inisfree"
73. "Lapis Lazuli"
74. "Leda and the Swan"
75. "The Magi"
76. "Memory"
77. "Sailing to Byzantium"
78. "The Second Coming"
79. "The Secret Rose"
80. "September 1913"
81. "Three Things"
82. "The Wheel"
83. "When You Are Old"
84. "The Wild Swans at Coole"
85. "The Fiddler of Dooney"
86. "As I Walked Out One Evening"
87. "The Common Life"
88. "Compline"
89. "Epitaph on a Tyrant"
90. "The Fall of Rome"
91. "In Memory of Sigmund Freud"
92. "In Memory of W.B. Yets"
93. "Lay Your Sleeping Head, My Love"
94. "Lullaby"
95. "The More Loving One"
96. "On the Circuit"
97. "Propero to Ariel"
98. "September 1, 1939"
99. "The Shield of Achilles"
100. "Under Which Lyre"
101. "The Unknown Citizen"
102. "Walk After Dark"
103."Annus Mirabilis"
104. "Aubade"
105. "Deceptions"
106. "Essential Beauty"
107. "Far Out"
108. "High Windows"
109. "I Remember, I Remember"
110. "The Importance of Elsewhere"
111. "Is It for Now or for Always"
112. "Long Sight in Age"
113. "Modesties"
114. "The Old Fools"
115. "Story"
116. "Since the Majority of Me"
117. "This Be the Verse"
118. "To Put One Brick Upon Another"
119. "Toads"
120. "Why Did I Dream About You Last Night"
121. "To My Wife"
122. "Blackberry-Picking"
123. "Bogland"
124. "Casualty"
125. "Digging"
126. "Death of a Naturalist"
127. "Field Work"
128. "Hailstones"
129. "The Haw Lantern"
130. "Lightenings"
131. "The Ministry of Fear"
132. "Mossbawn: Two Poems in Dedication"
133. "Personal Helicon"
134. "Poets Chair"
135. "Squarings"
136. "Tollund"
137. Idylls of the King by Tennyson
138. Journal of a Solitude
139. Essays of Montaigne, Screech translation
140. Ecce Homo by Nietzsche
141. The Communist Manifesto
142. 2 Corinthians
144. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
145. The Translator: A Tribesman's Memoir of Darfur
146. Galatians
Be Free
Be Rich
Be Joyful
Surprised by Joy
Be Complete
Holman New Testament Commentary: Galatians-Colossians

1 comment:

Susanne Barrett said...

Wow! What a huge reading month!!!!

My favorite Heaney poem is "Mid-Term Break" -- it's a real tear-jerker. I can barely read it aloud to a class without breaking down.

Here's a link to it, with analysis:

Let me know what you think. Love your poetry readings--such great stuff! Who's your favorite poet from the ones you read this month? Which is your favorite poem?

2024 Reading Wrap Up

I have participated in reading  52 Books in 52 Weeks  again. Here are answers to the Wrap Up questions: How was your reading year?  I liked ...