I am wading through thousands of photos right now. I am caught up with my scrapbooking through December of 2006. Then, I took over 10,000 photos in 2007. Each day of photos is on our hard drive book with an individual folder. It is going to take FOREVER!
Thus why I usually do it every Christmas vacation, but I couldn't in
2007 - my mom died, and I had to catch up with all I left behind because I was gone all of November
2008 - I'm sure there was a good reason (Maybe looking at my photos will give me a clue :))
2009 - I could not sit up due to my back going out on December 18.
2010 - So far, I did two years of Christmas photos end of 2006 (I had done through Gingerbread houses) and 2007.
"What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well" (The Little Prince by de Saint-Exupéry). One woman's journey to wellness through a well-adjusted heart, well-watered soul, well-educated mind, and well-tuned body. "Love the Lord your God with all your HEART, and with all your SOUL, and with all your MIND, and with all your STRENGTH" (Mark 12:30-31).
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve and All is Well
George is at the store for onions. I went to Fred Meyer to avoid the Christmas Ev craziness, and I still needed onions. So funny. Oh well, I wanted to get garlic bread anyway. So, I am cool. Only Samira can come for dinner, but that will be very nice and intimate. I am making a new lasagna recipe. I should go with my tried and true, and I still might. I like it because you don't have to boil the noodles ahead of time.
Anyway, I am loving this season. The week has been free of busyness, and I have just been able to read and do projects like filing all my papers, cleaning the fridge, five cupboards and the pantry, and the guest room closet and desk. I had to quit today though because my back is sore, but it lasted through four days of bending over. This is a major milestone in my recovery. Yahoo!
I listened to audiobooks (Devil in the White City and The Help) while I did it too! So, now I must focus my attention on the Christmas Eve dinner. Still hemming and hawing about which lasagna recipe to use. :)
Well, I better get to it. I plan on listening to the Messiah as I prepare this dinner feast. :)
Handel's Messiah: Merry Christmas Eve
The Lord God Omnipotent Reigneth
Hallelujah! for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.(Revelaton 19:6)
The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. (Revelations 11:15)
KING OF KINGS, LORD OF LORDS. (Revelation 19:16)
Hallelujah! for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.(Revelaton 19:6)
The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. (Revelations 11:15)
KING OF KINGS, LORD OF LORDS. (Revelation 19:16)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
"Twelve TWEMS A Drumming"
Drum roll please!
My goal is to be done by October 2011. Here are the remaining twelve:
My goal is to be done by October 2011. Here are the remaining twelve:
1973 Gulag Archipelago Solzhenitsyn (Dec/Jan)
EARLY MODERN (1600 – 1850)
1776 Decline & Fall Roman Empire Gibbon (Jan)
1835 Democracy in America Tocqueville (Feb)
MODERN (1850 – present)
1860 Civilization of Renaissance Burckhardt (Feb)
1904 Protestant Work Ethic & Spirit of Capitalism Weber (Mar)
1937 The Road to Wigan Pier Orwell (Mar)
1938 The New England Mind Miller (April/May)
1938 The New England Mind Miller (April/May)
1974 Roll, Jordan, Roll Genovese (June)
1978 Distant Mirror Tuchman (July)
1987 All the President's Men Woodward & Bernstein (July)
1987 All the President's Men Woodward & Bernstein (July)
1990 A Midwife's Tale Ballard (Aug)
1992 The End of History & the Last Man Fukuyama (Sept)
1992 The End of History & the Last Man Fukuyama (Sept)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens on Audio Download - Free Audio
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens on Audio Download - Free Audio
Just finished it, and it is such a keeper!!!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Christmas Tree 2010
This is our twelfth year going to Donovan's Christmas Tree Farm (http://www.donovanplace.com/christmas_t
Warning: I didn't turn the video off and put the lens cap back on, but it afforded us the opportunity to learn how long it took us to decide on a tree.
This is the longest we have ever taken to pick a tree: just shy of THREE minutes! We Weavers are easy to please, and it was great fun! Sorry for the blackout.
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
The Well-Educated Mind Update 146/158 = 92%
I have 12 more to go!!!! I just finished:
The Great Crash of 1929 by John Kenneth Galbraith. Let's not let history repeat itself! It was a fascinating read in every way. I recommend this too:
The 1930's which is from the PBS Show American Experience.
AUTOBIOGRAPHY (all in the Modern Period)
The Great Crash of 1929 by John Kenneth Galbraith. Let's not let history repeat itself! It was a fascinating read in every way. I recommend this too:
The 1930's which is from the PBS Show American Experience.
AUTOBIOGRAPHY (all in the Modern Period)
1973 Gulag Archipelago Solzhenitsyn (Nov)
EARLY MODERN (1600 – 1850)
1776 Decline & Fall Roman Empire Gibbon (Dec)
1835 Democracy in America Tocqueville (Jan)
MODERN (1850 – present)
1860 Civilization of Renaissance Burckhardt (Feb)
1904 Protestant Work Ethic/Spirit of Capitalism Weber (Mar)
1937 The Road to Wigan Pier Orwell (Apr)
1938 The New England Mind Miller (April/May)
1938 The New England Mind Miller (April/May)
1955 The Great Crash Galbraith (December 8, 2010)
1974 Roll, Jordan, Roll Genovese (June)
1978 Distant Mirror Tuchman (Aug)
1987 All the President's Men Woodward & Bernstein (July)
1987 All the President's Men Woodward & Bernstein (July)
1990 A Midwife's Tale Ballard (July)
1992 The End of History & the Last Man Fukuyama (Sept)
1992 The End of History & the Last Man Fukuyama (Sept)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Control Z
I have a new computer. I play Spider Solitaire when I just want to think. I can go backward with a control z. I didn't understand that when I first started playing this. So I didn't score as many wins. With the slate clean, I have more wins now because sometimes I know that if I back up just a few steps, I can succeed. It is just that simple. I just intuitively know now that there was probably a wrong turn somewhere, and if I retrace those steps. Voila.
There is a metaphor for life. As I get older, I realize that I can retrace my steps and create something totally different out of the seemingly stupid messes I get myself in. Sometimes if involves humbling myself and just saying I am sorry. It involves working at the things that are important. It involves finding another route to a person's heart. Sometimes it involves stopping the fast pace of the game of life long enough to come away and think. The route seems so much clearer when I take a step back. My time with Kim on the couch last Saturday was one of those days. As much as I would have tried to put out the fires that her old roommate made that reflected falsehoods about my character, time would tell. Kim said, "I pretty much learned that she didn't tell the truth or that she created her own reality and really believed it to be true." That is what she did about me. So, I ceased trying to correct the untruth, and time told Kim how to discern what the truth really was after her own experiences with this person. So, the way was cleared toward the swishing of the Kings to Ace set of cards swishing to the left side bottom corner. SWISH! There is no doubt that Kim and I have both grown over the last 20 years.
Then there are the times where you just have to backtrack and get yourself out of ridiculously unhealthy relationships both individually and corporately. Just Control Z and start over. Rewrite the game. There is a way to the swishing, but sometimes I requires going all the way back to the beginning to make better choices the next time around. The choices I made for a church at 19 years old were not the choices I would make for a church at 47. So, I backtracked to make better choices the second time around (only time I have ever left a church was in 2006 after 28 years - gave it the old college try, and that is when I made the choice: in college. I also made it following someone who was also very unhealthy for me at 19 too). I have had to do that in a few individually. Control Z and go back and see where I made the wrong turn. Often, it was because I didn't hear God's whispers above my compassion for messed up people. This game of life has often told me that messed up people who blame everyone else will someday end up blaming you for their mess. I was sucked in compassion by their stories of injustice only to find they tell the next sucker that you were the one being unjust when you put forth truth in love. There have been so few of these though, especially when I realize that I don't have time to even play their game, and I don't even press the button because there is something so much more important that I could be doing with my time.
Control Z is a nice function. Sometimes, I know there is another way if I just retrace my steps and learn from the mistakes I made before.
There is a metaphor for life. As I get older, I realize that I can retrace my steps and create something totally different out of the seemingly stupid messes I get myself in. Sometimes if involves humbling myself and just saying I am sorry. It involves working at the things that are important. It involves finding another route to a person's heart. Sometimes it involves stopping the fast pace of the game of life long enough to come away and think. The route seems so much clearer when I take a step back. My time with Kim on the couch last Saturday was one of those days. As much as I would have tried to put out the fires that her old roommate made that reflected falsehoods about my character, time would tell. Kim said, "I pretty much learned that she didn't tell the truth or that she created her own reality and really believed it to be true." That is what she did about me. So, I ceased trying to correct the untruth, and time told Kim how to discern what the truth really was after her own experiences with this person. So, the way was cleared toward the swishing of the Kings to Ace set of cards swishing to the left side bottom corner. SWISH! There is no doubt that Kim and I have both grown over the last 20 years.
Then there are the times where you just have to backtrack and get yourself out of ridiculously unhealthy relationships both individually and corporately. Just Control Z and start over. Rewrite the game. There is a way to the swishing, but sometimes I requires going all the way back to the beginning to make better choices the next time around. The choices I made for a church at 19 years old were not the choices I would make for a church at 47. So, I backtracked to make better choices the second time around (only time I have ever left a church was in 2006 after 28 years - gave it the old college try, and that is when I made the choice: in college. I also made it following someone who was also very unhealthy for me at 19 too). I have had to do that in a few individually. Control Z and go back and see where I made the wrong turn. Often, it was because I didn't hear God's whispers above my compassion for messed up people. This game of life has often told me that messed up people who blame everyone else will someday end up blaming you for their mess. I was sucked in compassion by their stories of injustice only to find they tell the next sucker that you were the one being unjust when you put forth truth in love. There have been so few of these though, especially when I realize that I don't have time to even play their game, and I don't even press the button because there is something so much more important that I could be doing with my time.
Control Z is a nice function. Sometimes, I know there is another way if I just retrace my steps and learn from the mistakes I made before.
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Well-Educated Mind Update: 145/158 = 92%!
I have 13 more to go!!!!
AUTOBIOGRAPHY (all in the Modern Period)
1973 Gulag Archipelago Solzhenitsyn (Nov)
EARLY MODERN (1600 – 1850)
1776 Decline & Fall Roman Empire Gibbon (Dec)
1835 Democracy in America Tocqueville (Jan)
MODERN (1850 – present)
1860 Civilization of Renaissance Burckhardt (Feb)
1904 Protestant Work Ethic/Spirit of Capitalism Weber (Mar)
1937 The Road to Wigan Pier Orwell (Apr)
1938 The New England Mind Miller (April/May)
1938 The New England Mind Miller (April/May)
1955 The Great Crash Galbraith (May)
1974 Roll, Jordan, Roll Genovese (June)
1978 Distant Mirror Tuchman (Aug)
1987 All the President's Men Woodward & Bernstein (July)
1987 All the President's Men Woodward & Bernstein (July)
1990 A Midwife's Tale Ballard (July)
1992 The End of History & the Last Man Fukuyama (Sept)
1992 The End of History & the Last Man Fukuyama (Sept)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thursday Musings: Fifteen Minute Freewrite
I suppose I don't really have a ton of time to do this, but I haven't posted a "musing" here in a while. Last time I posted was November 4. This is definitely the blog I post to the least.
What a whirlwind month November has been. Is it really Thanksgiving in a week? Where did the time go? I think six days in Phoenix made for a big cut in the month, but it was so worth it. I went there and spent time with many like-hearted people. It was great. I made some new friends, and I saw an old one: Sue Brock. It was fun to see that history plays a big part in who we are, and she was a huge part of my history. It felt really intuitive to be with her, as though I had known her my whole life. Well, that is because I have or at least since we were five years old. She might have even been four when we first met, but the cut off date in California schools was December 1, and she was born on November 21st. So, she probably was four at the beginning of the school year. She was always smart though. So, I am sure she had no problem keeping up with the older people in the class.
Today, I get back to teaching on the Iliad. I thought I had prepared todays stuff at the end of the last class, but I think I just sent out Study Guide Questions and didn't prepare the quizzes and do the lecture outline for "The Embassy of Achilles." Oh, one thing I did do is preview the whole movie of Troy to see where it lined up with the parts of the books we are reading. I was going to show the whole movie at the end, but I think it is very effective to show it in pieces as we read it. They really did destroy the book, but I still think it is interesting to compare and contrast the book and movie.
We also do the physiology of the circulatory system today. This is more laid back since it is just Nathan and Paul. I like this.
Overall, I am spending about 1/4 of the time for two classes that I did for just one class the last two years. I love the more laid back pace of reading The Iliad too. I am still debating about having Paul do the classical literature class and just starting in after Thelma is done with The Iliad and the Odyssey since we already covered it. We will see. He also might go to LBCC full time by then. I am taking that slow because I would like him to get a little bit farther along in his writing abilities.
Michael seems to be holding his own at LBCC. I think he is getting A's and B's this term. He seems to be learning and enjoying the classes too. His persuasive writing class seems to be the most labor intensive, but he seems to really "get it" which is an answer to prayer.
Today is Paul's birthday. I can't believe my youngest is 16 years old today. In two more years, I will have two adult children. That is so weird. Over the next year, I will probably be transitioning out of homeschooling, which just blows me away, no end. I have never tired of the journey. It was born to homeschool, and I praise God that my kids were just as passionate about it as I have been. They always enjoyed it as much as I did. It breaks my heart to see so many former homeschoolers tell me that they don't miss it and are glad they are in public school. I don't have anything against public school though. I just see it wouldn't have been the right choice for our family, and I am so glad we had the lovely pace and rhythm of learning that homeschooling allows. The goal was to create a lifelong love for the Lord, learning, and literature, and I think that we have see that in our kids, and I am grateful for being able to be a part of that journey with them.
As I look to the future and an empty nest, I wonder where God will take us? I wonder what my kids will be when they grow up? I wonder what I will be when I grow up?
I know God knows, and that is all I need to know.
I think the timer will be going off any minute, and I feel like I am at a stop from all of this. There is goes. Stopping with no proofreading. Excuse the typos. It keeps me humble.
What a whirlwind month November has been. Is it really Thanksgiving in a week? Where did the time go? I think six days in Phoenix made for a big cut in the month, but it was so worth it. I went there and spent time with many like-hearted people. It was great. I made some new friends, and I saw an old one: Sue Brock. It was fun to see that history plays a big part in who we are, and she was a huge part of my history. It felt really intuitive to be with her, as though I had known her my whole life. Well, that is because I have or at least since we were five years old. She might have even been four when we first met, but the cut off date in California schools was December 1, and she was born on November 21st. So, she probably was four at the beginning of the school year. She was always smart though. So, I am sure she had no problem keeping up with the older people in the class.
Today, I get back to teaching on the Iliad. I thought I had prepared todays stuff at the end of the last class, but I think I just sent out Study Guide Questions and didn't prepare the quizzes and do the lecture outline for "The Embassy of Achilles." Oh, one thing I did do is preview the whole movie of Troy to see where it lined up with the parts of the books we are reading. I was going to show the whole movie at the end, but I think it is very effective to show it in pieces as we read it. They really did destroy the book, but I still think it is interesting to compare and contrast the book and movie.
We also do the physiology of the circulatory system today. This is more laid back since it is just Nathan and Paul. I like this.
Overall, I am spending about 1/4 of the time for two classes that I did for just one class the last two years. I love the more laid back pace of reading The Iliad too. I am still debating about having Paul do the classical literature class and just starting in after Thelma is done with The Iliad and the Odyssey since we already covered it. We will see. He also might go to LBCC full time by then. I am taking that slow because I would like him to get a little bit farther along in his writing abilities.
Michael seems to be holding his own at LBCC. I think he is getting A's and B's this term. He seems to be learning and enjoying the classes too. His persuasive writing class seems to be the most labor intensive, but he seems to really "get it" which is an answer to prayer.
Today is Paul's birthday. I can't believe my youngest is 16 years old today. In two more years, I will have two adult children. That is so weird. Over the next year, I will probably be transitioning out of homeschooling, which just blows me away, no end. I have never tired of the journey. It was born to homeschool, and I praise God that my kids were just as passionate about it as I have been. They always enjoyed it as much as I did. It breaks my heart to see so many former homeschoolers tell me that they don't miss it and are glad they are in public school. I don't have anything against public school though. I just see it wouldn't have been the right choice for our family, and I am so glad we had the lovely pace and rhythm of learning that homeschooling allows. The goal was to create a lifelong love for the Lord, learning, and literature, and I think that we have see that in our kids, and I am grateful for being able to be a part of that journey with them.
As I look to the future and an empty nest, I wonder where God will take us? I wonder what my kids will be when they grow up? I wonder what I will be when I grow up?
I know God knows, and that is all I need to know.
I think the timer will be going off any minute, and I feel like I am at a stop from all of this. There is goes. Stopping with no proofreading. Excuse the typos. It keeps me humble.
Thursday, November 04, 2010
Prayer of Examen
This is nice:
from: http://www.marshill.org/pdf/hc/practices/prayerOfExamen.pdf
Prayer of Examen
The Prayer of Examen is a daily spiritual exercise developed by St. Ignatius
Loyola. This practice seeks to grow followers of Jesus in their capacity to discern
God’s will, find God in all things, and enhance their understanding of God’s good
creation. The prayer may take between ten and twenty minutes. The majority of
that time will be spent reviewing your day. Try not to dwell too long on thoughts.
Instead, allow yourself to become aware and move on.
Begin by finding a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.
Then sit comfortably, with good posture and both feet on the floor. Allow yourself
to relax and close your eyes if you like.
1. Recall you are in the presence of God
As you sit in silence, focus on God’s deep and abiding love for you. We are
always in the presence of God. Try to become aware of God’s presence in
an attentive way. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you recall your day with love.
2. Recall your day with gratitude
After a few moments, remember the small pleasures of your day; things
like a good night’s sleep, a good conversation, or a beautiful sunset. These
are all gifts from God. As you remember these small gifts from God, take
a moment to reflect on the gifts that you gave today, whether to God or to
others. How did you bring your strengths, your sense of humor, your
abilities, your encouragement, your patience to others today? When you
have finished, pause briefly and thank God for these things.
3. Ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit
In a moment you will begin to retrace the steps of your day. Before you do,
ask the Holy Spirit to guide and direct your mind. The Spirit will lead and
guide you into the truth and mystery of your heart. Ask the Holy Spirit for
the capacity to recall your day with clarity and an understanding of your
4. Review your day
This is the central and longest step of the prayer. Go back to the start of
your day and allow it to play like a short movie in your mind. Pay attention
to the details. What were your feelings? What motivated you to respond to
certain situations in the way that you did? The purpose of this is to draw
out the positive and the negative aspects of your day.
As you are reviewing your day, ask the question, “Where did I fail today?”
Was there a moment when you lived out of anger or bitterness? Were there
things that you avoided? Don’t allow yourself to dwell on these things or
seek to resolve them. Simply allow yourself to identify them and move on.
Next, ask the question, “When did I love?” Was there a moment, or several
moments, in which you made the choice to live out of love. Perhaps it was
a kind act like holding the door or spending intentional time with your
family. Remember the ways that you chose to love this day.
Next, search for any patterns or habits during the course of the day. Do
you make coffee at the same time? Do you chat for a few minutes with a
co-worker? Are you always staying late at work? As you detect these
patterns, what emotions do you sense coming to the surface for each
habit? Do these habits help you face your day with love? Do they hinder you
from facing your day with love?
5. Reconcile and Resolve
Finally, picture yourself seated next to Jesus, talking as you would with a
friend. Maybe there was something in your day that you don’t feel good
about. Tell Jesus about this and express your disappointment and ask him
to be with you when you face that moment again. Allow yourself to feel the
sorrow in your heart as you share this, but also remember and give thanks
for Christ’s continual restoration of your heart. Remember all of the good
moments of your day and thank Jesus for His presence with you in those
6. End with the Lord’s Prayer
“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. your kingdom
come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily
bread. Forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors. And lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Amen
from: http://www.marshill.org/pdf/hc/practices/prayerOfExamen.pdf
Prayer of Examen
The Prayer of Examen is a daily spiritual exercise developed by St. Ignatius
Loyola. This practice seeks to grow followers of Jesus in their capacity to discern
God’s will, find God in all things, and enhance their understanding of God’s good
creation. The prayer may take between ten and twenty minutes. The majority of
that time will be spent reviewing your day. Try not to dwell too long on thoughts.
Instead, allow yourself to become aware and move on.
Begin by finding a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.
Then sit comfortably, with good posture and both feet on the floor. Allow yourself
to relax and close your eyes if you like.
1. Recall you are in the presence of God
As you sit in silence, focus on God’s deep and abiding love for you. We are
always in the presence of God. Try to become aware of God’s presence in
an attentive way. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you recall your day with love.
2. Recall your day with gratitude
After a few moments, remember the small pleasures of your day; things
like a good night’s sleep, a good conversation, or a beautiful sunset. These
are all gifts from God. As you remember these small gifts from God, take
a moment to reflect on the gifts that you gave today, whether to God or to
others. How did you bring your strengths, your sense of humor, your
abilities, your encouragement, your patience to others today? When you
have finished, pause briefly and thank God for these things.
3. Ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit
In a moment you will begin to retrace the steps of your day. Before you do,
ask the Holy Spirit to guide and direct your mind. The Spirit will lead and
guide you into the truth and mystery of your heart. Ask the Holy Spirit for
the capacity to recall your day with clarity and an understanding of your
4. Review your day
This is the central and longest step of the prayer. Go back to the start of
your day and allow it to play like a short movie in your mind. Pay attention
to the details. What were your feelings? What motivated you to respond to
certain situations in the way that you did? The purpose of this is to draw
out the positive and the negative aspects of your day.
As you are reviewing your day, ask the question, “Where did I fail today?”
Was there a moment when you lived out of anger or bitterness? Were there
things that you avoided? Don’t allow yourself to dwell on these things or
seek to resolve them. Simply allow yourself to identify them and move on.
Next, ask the question, “When did I love?” Was there a moment, or several
moments, in which you made the choice to live out of love. Perhaps it was
a kind act like holding the door or spending intentional time with your
family. Remember the ways that you chose to love this day.
Next, search for any patterns or habits during the course of the day. Do
you make coffee at the same time? Do you chat for a few minutes with a
co-worker? Are you always staying late at work? As you detect these
patterns, what emotions do you sense coming to the surface for each
habit? Do these habits help you face your day with love? Do they hinder you
from facing your day with love?
5. Reconcile and Resolve
Finally, picture yourself seated next to Jesus, talking as you would with a
friend. Maybe there was something in your day that you don’t feel good
about. Tell Jesus about this and express your disappointment and ask him
to be with you when you face that moment again. Allow yourself to feel the
sorrow in your heart as you share this, but also remember and give thanks
for Christ’s continual restoration of your heart. Remember all of the good
moments of your day and thank Jesus for His presence with you in those
6. End with the Lord’s Prayer
“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. your kingdom
come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily
bread. Forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors. And lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Amen
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Rankings of Book Babes Book Club Books
October 2000-2010
* Post-rankings in October 2010
9.00 – 10
The Hiding Place – 9.64
* To Kill a Mockingbird – 9.83 (8 people)
* Pride and Prejudice – 9.25 (6 people)
All Creatures Great and Small – 9
8.00 – 8.99
*Samurai’s Garden – 8.93 (7 people)
John Adams – 8.9
Blood Brothers – 8.9
A Thousand Splendid Suns – 8.75
The River of Doubt – 8.7
Same Kind of Different as Me – 8.6 (9 people)
Christy – 8.57
* Song of Years – 8.5 (4 people)
Blink – 8.5
Peace like a River – 8.5
American Nightingale - 8.5
The Rim of the Prairie – 8.42
* A Christmas Carol – 8.4 (5 people)
* Anne of Green Gables – 8.3 (7 people)
Swimming Across – 8.3
Sense and Sensibility – 8.3
Emma – 8.25
The Last Lecture - 8.25
* Persuasion – 8.2 (7 people)
The Glass Castle – 8.2
Journey into Christmas “Stars on the Tracks” – 8.2
Outliers - 8.13
Three Cups of Tea – 8.1
Tuesdays with Morrie – 8.1
Kite Runner – 8.1
Cry, the Beloved Country – 8.04
The Count of Monte Cristo – 8
Escape from Slavery – 8
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan – 8
The Scapegoat – 8
The Story of the Other Wiseman – 8
First They Killed my Father – 8
7.0 – 7.99
* Princess: A True Story of Life behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia – 7.9 (7 people)
* The Hobbit – 7.9 (4 people)
* Gone with the Wind – 7.9 (7 people)
The Chosen – 7.9
Kaffir Boy – 7.9
The Last Sin Eater – 7.9
* Rebecca – 7.8 (7 people)
* White Bird Flying – 7.8 (8 people)
Blue Like Jazz – 7.8
Mudhouse Sabbath – 7.78
*My Name is Asher Lev – 7.7 (8 people)
Winter Wheat – 7.7
Life and Death in Shanghai – 7.7 The Good Earth – 7.65
Life and Death in Shanghai – 7.7 The Good Earth – 7.65
Sarah's Key - 7.61
A Town Like Alice – 7.6
Three Weeks with My Brother – 7.6
Wesley the Owl - 7.6
The Guernsey Literary – 7.6
The Translator – 7.6
* Endurance – 7.5 (6 people)
*The Wake of the Wind – 7.5 (3 people)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn – 7.5
Holy Rollers – 7.5
The Bounty: The True Story of the Mutiny on the Bounty – 7.5
God and Ronald Reagan – 7.5
The Syringa Tree –7.5
Atonement – 7.5
A Land of Sheltered Promise – 7.5
Jane Eyre – 7.4
Agony & Ecstasy: Biographical Novel of Michelangelo – 7.4
The Salt Garden – 7.4
Marley and Me – 7.4
My Own Two Feet – 7.4
Back When We Were Grown Ups – 7.3
Leota’s Garden – 7.3
The Road to Home – 7.3
Dreaming Water – 7.25
Cold Sassy Tree – 7.25
The Road – 7.2
* Winter Passing – 7.21 (7 people)
Ava’s Man – 7.1
The Blind Side - 7.1
* A Voice in the Wind – 7 (5 people)
* Snow Falling on Cedars – 7 (7 people)
* The Broke Diaries – 7 (1 person, I think we all skipped it for picking party)
I Heard the Owl Call My Name – 7
Iron and Silk – 7
The Memory Keeper’s Daughter – 7
Light on Snow – 7
The Captain’s Dog: My Journey w/ the Lewis and Clark Tribe – 7
Papa’s Wife – 7
* Dinner with a Perfect Stranger – 7 (8 people)
6.00 – 6.99
Skipping Christmas – 6.95
The Year of Fog – 6.8
* A Walk to Remember – 6.8 (6 people)
My Life in France – 6.75
The Five People You Meet in Heaven – 6.7
The Alchemist – 6.6
The Art of Racing in the Rain – 6.6
* A Painted House – 6.5 (6 people)
Color of Water – 6.5
My Sister’s Keeper – 6.5
Seabiscuit – 6.3
Life of Pi – 6.3
Breathing Lessons – 6.3
Falling Leaves – 6.2
* Hanna’s Daughters – 6 (2 people)
* Wait ‘Till Next Year – 6 (2 people)
* Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone – 6 (7 people)
Founding Mothers: The Women Who Raised Our Nation – 6
Selkirk's Island – 6
0 – 5.99
* We’ll Meet Again – 5.63 (4 people)
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich – 5.6
Blackbird House – 5.4
A Prayer for Own Meany – 5.4
The Grapes of Wrath – 5.2
The Da Vinci Code – 4.95
Christmas in Plains – 3.71
* Gap Creek – 3.4 (5 people)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Yummy Pretzel
August 25, 2009:
The LORD is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the defense of my life;
Whom shall I dread? (Psalm 27:1)
"Yummy Pretzel" by Carol Weaver
Lord, I fear everybody
No wonder I am so stressed
I want everyone to like me
I don't want anyone to be disappointed in me
Pretzel twisting is my activity
You don't like this?
Let me flex a bit more
I like harmony
So, I'll do anything to flex:
My time, my family, my schedule, my sleep, my exercise
I want to have a relationship with you
I fear our friendship won't last
If I say, "This won't work."
When I do summons the courage to say,
"This won't work for me,"
And you try to make it work another way
But it is still YOUR way,
I won't stick to my original conviction.
I'll bend and twist like a
Because I am a soft pretzel, by golly!
Soft pretzels make yummy friends :)
But if you start to eat me . . .
I disappear,
And I fear what you will do if I say,
"STOP eating me!"
Because you might not think
I am yummy anymore
And where will I be without that?
But if you eat me like a pretzel,
I will not be there anymore anyway.
So maybe I shouldn't be
a yummy pretzel after all
October 14, 2010 I changed that to:
So, I SHOULD not be
a yummy pretzel after all
God, you told me this in 2009, and you reminded me of it on my trip to the coast in September, but I didn't remember it again until my horrendous time at the coast wrestling with the demands of life! The enemy loves it when we forget!
So, I am writing it here so I won't forget, and others can hold me accountable.
I love You.
The LORD is my light and my salvation;
Whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the defense of my life;
Whom shall I dread? (Psalm 27:1)
"Yummy Pretzel" by Carol Weaver
Lord, I fear everybody
No wonder I am so stressed
I want everyone to like me
I don't want anyone to be disappointed in me
Pretzel twisting is my activity
You don't like this?
Let me flex a bit more
I like harmony
So, I'll do anything to flex:
My time, my family, my schedule, my sleep, my exercise
I want to have a relationship with you
I fear our friendship won't last
If I say, "This won't work."
When I do summons the courage to say,
"This won't work for me,"
And you try to make it work another way
But it is still YOUR way,
I won't stick to my original conviction.
I'll bend and twist like a
Because I am a soft pretzel, by golly!
Soft pretzels make yummy friends :)
But if you start to eat me . . .
I disappear,
And I fear what you will do if I say,
"STOP eating me!"
Because you might not think
I am yummy anymore
And where will I be without that?
But if you eat me like a pretzel,
I will not be there anymore anyway.
So maybe I shouldn't be
a yummy pretzel after all
October 14, 2010 I changed that to:
So, I SHOULD not be
a yummy pretzel after all
God, you told me this in 2009, and you reminded me of it on my trip to the coast in September, but I didn't remember it again until my horrendous time at the coast wrestling with the demands of life! The enemy loves it when we forget!
So, I am writing it here so I won't forget, and others can hold me accountable.
I love You.
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