Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tomorrow is my last day of my summer projects

I got through my reading list with no problem! YEAH! I will read The Hound of the Baskervilles on the way down to Southern California.

I also got through the whole pantry today and will finish the dishes/miscellaneous cupboards tomorrow. I might have a couple drawers too. That is it for project!


I am also doing really well with my physical goals! I am in good shape. The addition of Pilates to my Group Power and Cardio has really helped my shoulder.

I have also about finished Genesis. I just have 3 1/2 lessons of Isaac/Jacob/Esau. I hope to do this while I am on vacation. Meditation and prayer has been sweet.

It has been a great summer. I have really liked most everything about it. :)

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Friday Freewrite Fifteen

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