2006 Book List
1. Dinner with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory
This is the novella written by my neighbor. It took me 88 minutes to read (only 102 pages), but it is an interesting book about a man who has a dinner with Jesus. Novel (get it?) idea. It is fun to know him and hope to dialogue with him about the book.
2. Eleanor, written and illustrated by Barbara Cooney (Kids)
I am just going to include my kids’ lists on my list too. I used to keep a separate list, but it is too much of a hassle. This book is so sweet. I loved the illustrations and tells a poignant story about Eleanor Roosevelt’s early life. Made me cry, but does that surprise
3. Eleanor Everywhere: the Life of Eleanor Roosevelt by Monica Kulling illustrated by Cliff Spohn (Kids)
This was much more detailed and filled in many of the holes from the first book we read. I didn’t realize that Teddy Roosevelt was her uncle, and that she (not her distant cousin and husband FDR) was the one more directly related to Teddy Roosevelt. Learn a new thing everyday!
4. All Rivers Run to the Sea by Elie Wiesel
This is a story from probably one of the more famous of the Holocaust survivors. I found his story very engaging and his reflections on God and his Jewish faith in light of the holocaust thought-provoking. I hope to read his book Night too.
5. Emily’s Runaway Imagination by Beverly Cleary (CD with Kids)
Another hit with my kids about a Oregon girl from the 1920’s who wants to start a library in Pitchfork, Yamhill County (the county where dh grew up). Great fun!
* Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie (Dh & Kids) – It is an unabridged, illustrated version. They loved it.
6. Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain (abridged, Dover Kid’s Edition)
I really enjoyed this Drover Thrift Edition that gets the highlights of the book with some of the great dialogue. My kids loved it, and we watched a http://www.brainpop.com/ movie on Mark Twain that was great. We are on to Tom Sawyer on tape now. I knew they would love Mark Twain.
7. Atonement by Ian McEwan (8.5)
This is SO well-written and just great story telling. I had a hard time putting it down. I am not sure if my book club will like it because they like happier books. J I would read another book by this author. I loved his style.
8. Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan (Kids)
I have seen the movie with Glenn Close, but I had never read the book. We enjoyed it, and my youngest said, “Is that it? It seems like it needs more of an ending.” So, I found out there was a sequel, Skylark, and we are getting the book (and movies) from the library today. I thought it would be too “girly” for my kids, but they seemed to enjoy it.
9. Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner (Kids)
I am proud of the fact that I almost made it through this without crying, but I choked up on the last sentence. A face-paced and moving story! My kids totally enjoyed it.
10. My Only May Amelia by Jennifer L. Holm (Kids)
We got this for free as a reward through our Barnes and Noble reading. It has sat on the shelf, and I pulled it out since we just finished this time period in history and had some read-aloud time to kill at the end of the term. What a delightful story! My kids loved it and were begging for the next chapter. It is about a twelve year old tomboy who grows up in a family with seven brothers and no sister on the Nasel River on the Washington side of the Columbia River. It is based on the author’s great-aunt’s diary. It is written in first person without any quotation marks when a person is talking. It takes some getting used to, but I felt like I got right in May Amelia’s head. The fact that it talked about early settlement in our area only made the story that much more interesting! Plus-Plus all the way around!
11. Hero Tales by Dave and Neta Jackson (Kids)
This is going to be a year of finishing many long term books since we are in 1945 of our five year march through world history. So, this is the first book we are finishing with many more coming in the next couple of months (school ends for us on the day before Memorial Day). I love this book of great men and women of the Christian faith. This book included people like Gladys Alward (Think Inn of the Sixth Happiness movie with Ingmar Berman), William and Catherine Booth of the Salvation Army, Hudson Taylor, D.L. Moody, Mary Slessor, and Amy Carmichael. Delightful book focused on important character qualities of these great men and women of faith.
12. Skylark by Patricia MacLachlan (Kids)
Sequel to Sarah, Plain and Tall. Delightful and an easy read. Perfect for the lazy days leading toward our Spring Break.
13. The Making of a Leader by Robert Clinton
This is my third time through this book and read it while in transit to Baton Rouge and finished it during my “rest time” at Becky’s on Saturday (gotta’ have that closure). This is my favorite book on leadership. His early growth was with the Navigators, and he has missions experience. He is also committed to personal ministry as opposed to just being a distant leader. So, I just identify with his stories and principles. I always get something out of this book when I read it. Discussing it with the women in my class.
14. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (Tape with Kids)
This is an abridged, dramatization version on tape. We listened to the first half on the way up to the airport and the second half on the way back from the airport when I went to Louisiana. It was a great adaptation. This is the second book we have listened to by this drama company. So, many of the actors were the same. Now, my dh is reading the unabridged version from my grandmother’s copy of The Family Mark Twain published in 1935. It is a precious reminder of my grandmother’s commitment to fine literature and how it “skipped” a generation with my dad (Popular Mechanics was his reading of choice being an engineer.), but her fantastic books are being read once again by her great-grandchildren. So cool. Love Mark Twain. His humor is right up my husband and children’s alley.
15. Abba’s Child: The Cry of the Heart for Intimate Belonging by Brennan Manning
This was my book on the travel back home after Louisiana. It was read by a woman I was counseling with, and she raved about it. It had quite the impact on her life. So, I have always wanted to read it. What is so interesting is he talks about New Orleans because this is where he is living at present. That was sort of cool being that I had just taken off from there! The book didn’t bowl me over like it has others, but I suppose it is because I have been convinced of my belovedness with God for many years and pretty comfortable in my skin. So, I didn’t need the words to convince me of it, but I know that this is a struggle for SO many women I have relationships with. So, I can see why it is such a precious book to so many and will suggest it to some of them.
* The Twenty-One Balloons by William Pene du Bois (Dh & Kids) Read-aloud to the kids. Paul just spent a good part of the morning explaining the whole story (He couldn’t talk to me for four days and is making up for lost time). They both loved it, but of course, Paul is more verbal about telling me that. J
16. The Road from Coorain by Jill Ker Conway
A TWEM autobiography about a woman who grows up on a sheep ranch in New South Wales, Australia. I found it fascinating and engaging, and it really helped me understand an acquaintance at my church who was also raised on a sheep farm in Australia. Light bulbs went on all over the place as I read this book. For that reason alone, it was valuable.
17. A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving
I can’t decide whether I liked this book or not. It was incredibly long and detailed. I think it was too detailed, but it had such an unusual plot. Still can’t decide how I feel about this book. It is the most unusual book that I have read this year. Too many uses of the “F” word though. L
18. Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder
First time reading this or should I say listening to it. My kids really enjoyed it, but we will probably wait until the summer to read the whole series. It was good to finally hear it though after feeling like I was the last person in the world to ever read it.
19. 90 Minutes in Heaven by Don Piper
My girlfriend read this and loved this, but only one chapter was about heaven and the rest was about his recovery. So, I was a little bit disappointed. L I believe heaven is real though, and I love how his visit changed his perspective on life forever.
20. The Story of the USA: America Becomes a Giant by Franklin Escher, Jr. (Kids)
Our third in the series, we like this and love the questions at the end of each chapter to reinforce our learning.
21. The Land of Sheltered Promise by Jane Kirkpatrick
A little syrupy Christian fiction, but I did enjoy learning more about the history of the Baghwan Rahneesh when he infiltrated my wonderful state back in the 80’s. Even though it was incredibly intelligent writing, it was refreshing to read something without a single “F” word. After read A Prayer for Owen Meany, that was quite refreshing. Also, it deals with the Young Life Camp ministry in which I had a privilege of being a part in the summer of 1987 when I spent a summer at the Young Life Beyond Malibu camp in Canada. In addition, one of the fictional characters was based on the life of the woman who help me immediately following my nervous breakdown in 1983. How is that for fun? It really brought me back to this warm wonderful woman who is now 70 years old, but was my age when she ministered to my life and heart during a very difficult period.
* Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain – (Dh & Kids) He read the unabridged, illustrated version, and the boys LOVED it. I love it when they read good literature!
22. The Allure of Hope: God’s Pursuit of a Woman’s Heart by Jan Meyers
Another book I wanted to read to get an idea of where one of the women in my small group is coming from. It is a precious book saying things very similar to John Piper on Desiring God. I like his style better than her ethereal writing style, but she has a voice in many women’s lives these days. She loves Tozer, Piper, Dostoyevsky, etc. I did find many of her quotes were from other people quoting these people though.
23. The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman
A classic and must read for any Christian IMHO. It is really the the plan of discipleship. Basically looks at the leadership training principles of Jesus. I hadn’t read it for many years and thought that I would read it again.
24. Transforming Discipleship: Making Disciples A Few at a Time by Greg Ogden
I really enjoyed this book as a modern day application of The Master Plan of Evangelism. It really made me cement in my mind to not get away from my roots of keeping my ministry small and relational. Helping to evaluate my future in light of this class that is out of my comfort zone but also may be out of my gifting.
25. The Story of the USA: Modern America (Book 4) by Franklin Escher, Jr. (Kids)
His bias comes out in an annoying way. He is obviously a pro-choice, democrat. He was much better in earlier books at not letting his bias come through, but he was over the top in this one, and it made me laugh.
26. The Story of the World Volume 4: The Modern Age by Susan Wise Bauer (Kids)
DONE! Closure! We are concluding our five year journey through history! My closure boy kept pushing for me to read more until we finished!
27. Hero Tales: Volume II by Dave and Neta Jackson (Kids)
Love these true stories of Christian heroes.
28. American Adventures Part 2: True Stories from America’s Past by Morrie Greenberg
My kids totally get into these catchy stories. Very enjoyable. A highlight in history.
29. The Usborne Internet-linked Encyclopedia of World History (Kids)
From the time of the dinosaurs to the end of the 20th century, we have gone through this book over the last five years for World History. I love this book to supplement The Story of the World. The downloads were great for our time-lines, and the internet-links added much to our understand. Highly recommend this for any family library whether one homeschools or not.
30. The Usborne Introduction to Art by Rosie Dickins and Mari Griffith (Kids)
This book is internet-linked and beautiful with an easy-to-read text featuring art work from The National Gallery, London. My kids really enjoyed it. I read it along with the period of history we were covering, but it didn’t enter my curriculum until about two years ago. It is a great book for any age. Closure – a May theme.
31. The Usborne Internet-Linked Science Encyclopedia (Kids)
This is our fifth year in this good book. I don’t like it as much as the internet-linked history, but it is good. I have no idea what we will do for science next year because this was our “spine.”
32. Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez (TWEM)
This is an autobiography by the essayist who appears on PBS Newshour with Jim Lehrer. I have always loved his essays, and I loved this autobiography with his soft, slow tone. He talks about how education separated him from his Mexican-American cultural roots. Those interested in Catholicism would enjoy his chapter entitled "Credo." He compares the Latin service with the more contemporary service of today. I don't know if anyone would ever be interested in this book, but I really enjoyed it. It is on The Well-Educated Mind autobiography list.
33. Walking As Jesus Walked by Dr. Dann Spader
It is a look at how Jesus went about changing the world! I really liked this book. I felt very invigorated in God’s life calling for me.
34. Night by Elie Wiesel (TDS Book Discussion)
This is an important book that I would recommend everyone read.
35. Born Again by Charles W. Colson (TWEM)
I think I read this back in the 70’s. What an encouraging look at the transformation that Jesus can make in a person’s life. I felt so blessed to read it! It was also nice to read about something I remember happening in history. I understand it much better now that I am older too.
36. Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
A great read. I loved this.
37. Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
This was a fascinating story that was very well-written. I really enjoyed it. I am a sucker for a good story about Muslims. J
38. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie
A very practical book. It has stood the test of time. It is old, but it is so helpful and really helped me through the transitions we are making in our life.
39. How to Win Friends and Influence People
Another fabulous book that really helped me with my brother this last vacation. I am lazy sometimes about applying the principles, but I am really seeing that when I do, I am really enjoying my life and relationships more. The principles are very simple.
40. The Road to Home by Vanessa del Fabbro
Ho-Hum. It was very predictable, and it had some really boring points. It is set in South Africa after Apartheid ended.
41. Peacemaking Women: Biblical Hope for Resolving Conflict by Tara Klena Barthel & Judy Daler
Fabulous addition to the great book The Peacemaker by Kenneth Sande. I especially enjoyed the “Conflicts Within” section about shame, depression, and fear. This is one I highly recommend for anyone in ministry.
42. When People are Big and God is Small by Welch
Excellent book that rereminded me to stay focused on pleasing God and not man!
43. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Had to reread it for my class. The class made the concepts come alive for me. Great book. Life-changing in many ways.
44. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie
Read through a second time for the class. I have been applying the principles all summer, and it is all common sense, but it is nice to have it in one volume. I am realizing how much I give my power over to controlling people. I just can’t do that any more.
45. The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking by Dale Carnegie
This is the last one of the books for my course. It was nice and simple and straight-forward.
46. Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality by Donald Miller (Book Babes)
I really loved this book. I just loved his musings about the difference between Christianity and Christian Spirituality. I loved the “confessional” on the Reed College campus. I think that his thoughts are quite thought provoking, and it is so cool that he is in Oregon, and I can go visit his church. I am going the end of October.
47. Growing a Healthy Church by Dann Spader and Gary Mayes
Since we were looking for a healthy church to join, it was appropriate to read this book and identify some things that make up a healthy church culture. It is written by the same guy that wrote the Harmony of the Gospels study that I did this summer. So, it was a wonderful reinforcement to the study.
48. Gilgamesh The King
49. The Revenge of Ishtar
50. The Last Quest of Gilgamesh, all by Ludmila Zeman
These beautifully illustrated retellings of this ancient tale are favorites for us. We had to revisit them since we are starting all over in history.
51. First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers by Loung Ung
This was a fast read, but it was very powerful. Loung was only five years old from a middle-class Cambodian family (mom was Chinese) when her whole family had to flee from Phnom Penn as the Khmer Rouge was taking over the city. It is her journey throughout Cambodia. One of my favorite movies is The Killing Fields which is also an amazing story. So, this gave more details and from her childhood memories. Interesting point of view. Hard to believe that when I was going to my Senior prom such atrocities were occurring at the same time.
52. Spiritual Leadership by Henry and Richard Blackaby
A good read with simple concepts of leadership. I loved his Experiencing God Bible study and this goes right along with what I learned from this study; spiritual leadership is an outflow of a connection with God. After all the stuff that I had to read about leadership last year that I really didn’t enjoy, it was very refreshing to hear this humble, Biblical perspective written by two people whom I respect and havearned their stripes in this area.
53. Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge
I hesitate to make any comments on this book because it is such the “pop Christian” book right now; but overall, I don’t see what the big deal is about this book.
It took me a LOOONG time to get into it. My friend, Kim, said she really liked it, and I read it to identify with her. I think much of what they say has been said before in other similar books that I have read. I didn’t really get into it until about 120 pages in; but at that point, it had some nice things to say. The last five pages had some things I need to hear too. So, it was a God thing even though it wasn’t one of my favorite books of all time. I definitely wouldn’t buy it and borrow it. L
54. Body Clutter by Flylady and Leanne
This book could be really helpful for women who have enjoyed the Flylady philosophy of decluttering their home. Both the authors have struggled with obesity for most of their adult life. One was thin until babies. I think this would be really helpful for someone who has been in their boat. There are some good words about anger and what is happening in your mind when it comes to overeating that is similar to what she talks about in her housecleaning books.
55. Growing Your Faith by Jerry Bridges
I read his book The Pursuit of Holiness about twenty-five years ago, and it was life changing for me. I loved this book. It was simple, yet profound. I love this man and had the pleasure of meeting him once. I was forever changed by the experience, and this book was like “coming home.”
56. This Beautiful Mess: Practicing the Presence of the Kingdom of God by Rick McKinley
Loved the emphasis on social justice in the way his body at Imago-Dei lived out the principles of the kingdom. That was my favorite part of the book.
57. Desiring God by John Piper
This is my top book of all the Christian books I have read. I listened to it on CD, and I am unabashedly a Christian Hedonist. God is most pleased when we are experiencing pleasure in Him! I just finished it as I had a pleasurably flurry of activity to get ready for a dinner party I am putting on tonight!
58. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
This was a beautiful book about life and death. I really enjoyed this quick and meaningful read.
59. Shepherd’s Abiding by Jan Karon
I received this as a gift two years ago for Christmas and forgot I had it until I was looking at my library for http://www.librarything.com/. So, I took the plunge since it is a Christmas story! A delightful, light-hearted read for the holiday.
60. The Promise: A Celebration of the Life of Christ by Michael Card
This is another Christmas tradition. I decided to just read this and not read Immanuel this year. I love this book; and someday, I would like to make a musical out of it. I need to read it a few more Christmastime’s though! J
"What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well" (The Little Prince by de Saint-Exupéry). One woman's journey to wellness through a well-adjusted heart, well-watered soul, well-educated mind, and well-tuned body. "Love the Lord your God with all your HEART, and with all your SOUL, and with all your MIND, and with all your STRENGTH" (Mark 12:30-31).
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2024 Reading Wrap Up
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