Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Last time it was five, and this time it is only one

The pressure is on because people have this Blog address. I have had it for so long (this is my second one), but I never have given the address to anyone.

I have also been journaling like mad in my cursive writing journal. I like the process of writing "by hand" as opposed to typing on my computer.

Well, I had done a whole long post, and it didn't post! UGE. So, I am doing this again.


Getting done in three hours lately. They are just into focusing and getting it over. Loving the process of learning with these guys. Learned about where the term Oklahoma Sooners came from (People who hid in the bushes and got into Oklahome before the land rush in the 1880's).

We are almost done with history. It has taken us five years, and I laugh when I think we did it in one year when Michael was in 2nd grade.

I am glad we didn't go to pre-Algebra. I like this review year for Michael. It was a good decision.

Reading is Winnie the Pooh for Paul and Hank for Michael.

They are writing more. They are even enjoying this Greek/Latin Vocabulary book I got. I am so excited about that. Grammar always goes fast and easy.

Science is the human body, and it is in my field of expertise (Nutrition required lots of physiology and I always smoked in those courses in college). So, I am enjoying the science journey this year. I especially enjoy our subscription to . Very good investment of $70 for the year of subscription.

Well-Educated Mind

I have not been diligent. Need to get on track with the Autobiographies. They help me to relax. I need to know this. I am reading All Rivers Run to the Sea by Elie Weisel. I was glad to see that Oprah's pick was also one of his books. That is providential, and I need to jump on it. Miss the interaction.

Discussing Madame Bovary with the Book Dames on Saturday at Susan's. I am looking forward to that.

Discussed Da Vinci Code with Book Babes, and I gave it a zero on principle. That man is going to have to answer to God for his "fiction." He is leading many people astray. I liked his writing, but I didn't like where he went with it.

Well-Watered Soul

Time with God has been sweet. I have revived my journaling after a break. I filled up a huge journal in three months. So much to process with the Lord these days with my class. I am glad to learn more of how to have a 24/7 dependence in prayer and presence. I thinking I am getting it. God told me something significant in October, and I keep going back to it. "Carol, I don't allow people to hurt you. I allow you to see in their character and life so that you can pray for them." I have had so many opportunities to apply this and not be so sensitive, especially with someone in this class with a razer sharp tongue and clueless about it hurtfulness. She is sad. I feel for her. I can pray for her and not be hurt by her. It is revolutionary. I am not good at blowing people off because of my sensitive heart.


Sweet Michael turned fourteen yesterday, and we went out to Elmer's to celebrate. It was such a joy to sit across from these young men and lean on my man's shoulder. Life is good with these three. I can never take these moments for granted. I treasure them every day. They are the best thing about my life, and I am aware that they are all three a gift.

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2024 Reading Wrap Up

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